Appointment, Promotion and Tenure
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Research Track
The research faculty appointment is for those individuals whose predominant scholarship is in the area of research. Teaching and service will vary for research faculty commensurate with their research funding level.
The research track is non-tenured.
Clinical Track
The clinical faculty appointment is for individuals whose predominant scholarship is practice, as well as those whose primary scholarship combines teaching and practice. Faculty with a combined focus are expected to maintain expertise in their practice areas. Research and service will vary for clinical faculty commensurate with their percent of time allocated to the College. The clinical track is non-tenured.
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Tenure Track
The tenure track is for individuals whose primary responsibilities center on scholarship in the areas of teaching and research, and they are also expected to demonstrate involvement in service.
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Teaching Track
The teaching track appointment is for individuals whose predominant scholarship is teaching. The teaching track is non-tenured.
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Timeline of APT Cycle
The faculty promotion and tenure process typically spans 24 months. The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs publishes a calendar of dates and deadlines annually to provide guidance for unit coordinators, department heads, and unit executive officers during the promotion and tenure process. UIC Nursing Faculty Affairs has also developed a detailed timeline to support all participants during the college’s portion of this process, which can be found below.
Department P&T Timeline
The Departmental Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Process and Timeline – Executive Summary outlines the promotion and tenure process and timeline for use across all departments at the UIC College of Nursing.