Peoria Campus

Health care is now the region's largest employment sector. There has never been a better time to invest in your nursing career in Peoria, and there's no better place to do it than UIC.
The Greater Peoria Economic Development Council reports health care is the largest employment sector in the region, with 32,201 people employed at 717 health care organizations—36% above the national average. So why choose UIC Nursing for your next credential? Our DNP program is ranked among the best in the nation. We have strong partnerships with community and health care agencies since we were founded in 1972. And while our Peoria Campus is completely virtual, we still offering vital interprofessional collaboration in teaching, education and research with the UIC College of Medicine, which also has a campus in Peoria.
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The smaller class sizes in Peoria created an environment that facilitated group learning. My peers and I were bonded as we followed different pathways to achieve a common goal. We frequently met for study groups and worked together to become leaders in our field.
DNP '18, Peoria Campus|
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Sara McPherson
Sara McPherson has been faculty in the Biobehavioral Nursing Science (BNS) department since 2016, Springfield campus. She has taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and in a wide variety of courses and labs: foundations, medical-surgical, integrated practice, simulation lab, EBP courses and DNP faculty mentor.
Her program of research and scholarship are centered on nursing education. Her research focuses on preparing faculty, recruitment, and retention strategies. Dr. McPherson is published for her work on nursing faculty preparation and needs. She is an expert in the Delphi method. Dr. McPherson has reviewed for several journals on nursing education and the Delphi method. She has presented her work at local and international conferences, most recently Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress in 2019. She is a board member for Illinois League for Nursing.
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UIC College of Nursing-Peoria Campus
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