Policies and Procedures
Workplace policies clearly define an organization’s expectations regarding employee behavior and performance, and procedures provide guidance on how to implement those policies. When used together, policies and procedures give employees a well-rounded understanding of their workplace.
College of Nursing Bylaws Heading link
The regulations of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees for the guidance of the University faculty are contained in the university’s Statutes. In Article III, Sec. 2.1. and 2.b., the Statutes define a college as “an educational and administrative group comprised of departments and other units with common educational interests… The college shall be governed in its internal administration by the faculty.” Article III, Sec. 3.a. reads: “The Dean is the chief executive officer of the college, responsible to the Chancellor for its administration, and is the agent of the college faculty for the execution of college education policy.
Departmental Bylaws Heading link
Index of Policies and Procedures continued Heading link
Clinical Compliance
The purpose of the UIC College of Nursing Faculty Clinical Compliance Policy is to protect the health and safety of our faculty, patients and clinical site staff.
Faculty Productivity
Faculty with an appointment of 50% or higher will have an annual evaluation of productivity that includes teaching, scholarship, service, and practice activities. This includes Clinical Instructors. The MyActivities reporting system is used by all colleges at UIC. In the spring of each academic year, nursing faculty members must complete their UIC MyActivities report for the previous calendar year and submit their annual productivity report to their Department Head for review. It is important that faculty maintain their teaching evaluations and other records throughout the year and maintain an up-to-date CV for submission as part of their annual evaluation.
College Diversity Strategic Plan
UIC Nursing’s official statement on equity and inclusion, stressing the college’s committment to condemning racism in all its forms and supporting education, policies and practices that advocate for equity and social justice for all people.
Emeritus/Emerita Requests
Joint Courtesy Appointments
A joint appointment is one in which the faculty member’s full time equivalent (FTE) resides in one department (primary or home department), but they are given a without salary appointment in one or more secondary departments. Processes for joint appointments vary from college to college. Please inquire with your faculty unit and/or college for more information.