Research Development Support
Research Career Consultations Heading link
Faculty career consultations at the College of Nursing involve senior faculty advising junior faculty on their research career trajectory. It is highly recommended for all new faculty in professorial ranks.
Each faculty member will present information on:
- Area of study
- Relevant prior work/outcomes
- Publications
- Grants
- Future plans and sources of funding
The remaining time will focus on feedback from the consultants and discussion of future plans.
Think Tanks Heading link
Think tanks can be held as a strategic planning session at any stage of research development. They can be held to brainstorm about the directions of a proposal or how to respond to a specific call for proposals. They can be held in stages so that more than one think tank is held, leading to a proposal. It is recommended that novices in grant writing hold think tanks after drafting the introduction and specific aims prior to mock reviews. Think tanks also can be held to review data and develop plans for publications and presentations.
- Think tanks are one hour in length and scheduled in Room 611.
- Two to three faculty members, generally who are active researchers, will act as a creative team to brainstorm directions or review background and aims or discuss dissemination.
- Schedule a think tank two to three months prior to submission if the introduction and aims are drafted.
- A draft of the introduction and aims should be sent to the reviewers two to five days prior to the think tank.
- As PI, you are encouraged to invite key co-investigators.
- You are encouraged to use a tape recorder or have an additional note taker available.
Mock Reviews Heading link
Mock reviews are designed to put a grant proposal through a process that represents the actual review process at a funding agency, most particularly the NIH. The purpose is to identify areas for strengthening the aims, background, and methods, and packaging the proposal to be successful/competitive at the outside review. The author(s) should not think of it as a defense of a proposal but rather an intellectual interchange to strengthen it scientifically.
- Mock reviews are two hours in length and scheduled in Room 611.
- Two to three faculty members, who have experience participating on NIH review panels, become the reviewers for the grant proposal.
- Schedule the mock review at least four to six weeks prior to submission.
- A completed or near completed draft should be emailed to the reviewers five to seven working days prior to the meeting.
- As PI, you are encouraged to invite key co-investigators.
- You are encouraged to use a tape recorder or have an additional note taker available.