Mar 1 2023

UIC Global Health Colloquium: Foodborne enteropathogen transmission in low-income settings

UIC Global Health Colloquium

March 1, 2023

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM


Virtual Event


What should we do about foodborne enteropathogen transmission in low-income settings?


  • Matthew Freeman, MPH, PhD
    Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Environmental Health
    Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health
    Rollins School of Public Health
    Emory University

The work of the Freeman Research Group is focused on assessing the role of the lived environment on the health of marginalized populations in low-income settings. Specifically, the complementary role WASH can play in mitigating the burden of neglected tropical diseases and the intersection of WASH and nutrition. Matthew Freeman serves on the global STH Advisory Committee and contracts and advises the World Health Organization on issues related to handwashing and hygiene, trachoma control, and STH control and WASH. He co-directs Emory's program in Global Environmental Health.

The UIC Global Health Colloquium is a lecture series sponsored by the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Applied Health Sciences, Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Social Work and the School of Public Health.

See past UIC Global Health Colloquium events.

This event is free and open to all. Click the below link to register (required).



Tina Kavukattu

Date posted

Feb 27, 2023

Date updated

Feb 27, 2023