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DNP tuition model to change in fall 2020

Change was made to provide more transparency for students Heading link

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Beginning in fall 2020, students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program will be assessed tuition at a per-credit-hour rate. Previously, DNP students were charged “range tuition,” or a flat amount based on where they fell within four sets of credit hour ranges.

The University of Illinois System Board of Trustees approved the change to the DNP tuition model at its January meeting.

Calling it a “very positive” change for students, Dean Terri Weaver says it was done in an effort to be clear about the costs that a student may incur when considering the UIC program versus other programs in the city, state or country. The per-credit-hour model is the more commonly used method for assessing tuition.

Fall 2020 and spring 2021 rates can be found here.