Lisa Sharp named associate dean for research

Lisa Sharp smiles

The UIC College of Nursing announced in April that Lisa Sharp, PhD, will be the college’s next associate dean for research, following a nationwide search that began after her predecessor, Eileen Collins, became the college’s ninth dean last fall.

Sharp, who is currently a professor and associate head of the Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy in the UIC College of Pharmacy, will assume her new role at UIC Nursing Aug 16.

An accomplished researcher, Sharp focuses on understanding the direct and indirect effects of stress and depression on chronic illness and cancer; fostering patient participation and communication in the doctor-patient relationship; and ecological, social and psychological influences upon inflammatory processes.

Sharp is active in the UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science and has received consistent funding by the National Institutes of Health since 2008. She has served as a reviewer for multiple NIH study sections, including the Nursing and Clinical Science study section and a special emphasis panel on medication adherence.

In addition, Sharp was a mentor on four NIH K awards, four NIH training grants and six other types of career training grants. She has been a member of 13 dissertation committees, including four that she chaired and two for UIC Nursing PhD students.

Sharp has been principal investigator or multiple principal investigator on two NIH Research Project (R01) grants, two NIH supplemental grants, a CCTS grant, an NIH K23 Award and 10 foundation grants.

She has served as a co-investigator on six R01, four Veterans Affairs Merit, one National Science Foundation and five foundation grants. Sharp has 132 publications, including 47 as primary or senior author.

Sharp received a BSN at the University of Tulsa and her PhD in clinical psychology from Northwestern University. She has had extensive postdoctoral training from Michigan State University, the National Cancer Institute, Northwestern University and Harvard University.