Rohan D. Jeremiah, PhD, MPH
Professor, Associate Dean for Global Health
Department of Human Development Nursing Science
Global Health Leadership Office
Pronouns: he/him/his
Building & Room:
1160 NURS
845 S. Damen Avenue, MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612
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Rohan D. Jeremiah is a global public health scholar with cross-disciplinary training in Applied Medical Anthropology and Public Health. He has held faculty appointments at St. George's University, School of Medicine (Grenada, West Indies), University of West Indies—St. Augustine (Trinidad, West Indies), St. Louis University, College of Public Health and Social Justice. Dr. Jeremiah is a Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Dr. Jeremiah's scholarship reflects more than twenty-five years of global health experiences, including Peace Corps volunteer services in Cameroon and South Africa and program development and management throughout Sub-Saharan Africa (Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Uganda, Swaziland, Lesotho, and, Tanzania); South Asia (India and Bangladesh), Latin America, the Eastern Caribbean, and the United States. He has served as a Technical Advisor to the United Nations, US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and US Agency for International Development (USAID).
Research Interests
His research is at the intersection of substance use, violence, and HIV/AIDS and focuses on developing strategies to reduce trauma, disease risks, and mortality. Dr. Jeremiah integrates social science theories into public health and social service research by examining trauma through intersectionality to explain domestic and global health disparities affecting marginalized and vulnerable communities. Most notably, he led the most comprehensive research study about the United Nations-sponsored intimate partner violence (IPV) intervention (Partnership for Peace Program) in the Eastern Caribbean. Other global health research studies completed include: "Intimate Partner Violence from a Male Perpetrator's Perspective," "Behavioral Risk Patterns among Men who have Sex with Men within the Caribbean," and "The Intersections between HIV/AIDS and Intimate Partner Violence among Commercial Sex Workers." These and other studies are published in academic journals such as the American Journal of Men's Health, International Journal of Men's Health, Child Abuse and Neglect, Frontiers Public Health, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, and International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology.
Dr. Jeremiah has conducted studies funded by Substance Use and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA): UIC Integrated PASEO that developed and implemented preventative services for sexual, gender minority young adults in Chicago; and National Institute on Drug Abuse/the University of California, Los Angeles, and the National Institute of Minority Health Disparities/ Center for Health Equity Research Chicago—funded projects: Chicago Refugee Men's Health Initiative and the Quad Cities Refugee Men's Health Initiative exploring strategies to adapt trauma-informed assessments and services for resettled ethnic-minority refugee men in the United States.
Currently, Dr. Jeremiah is a Multiple Principal Investigator of two cancer-related studies: 1) Scalable multi-mode education to increase the use of ITCR tools by diverse analysis and 2) Supporting High-Risk African American Men in Research & Engagement in Decision Making for Lung Screening. He is also the UIC Principal Investigator of the Rwanda Human Resources for Health Program and the Chicago and Quad Cities Refugee Men's Health Initiatives.
Scholarly Practice/Community Engagement
Dr. Jeremiah is one of the founding members of the Public Health Action Support Team (PHAST) at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. PHAST is a global health initiative that actively assists local, state, and international health departments and organizations to meet the demands of current public health events, disasters, and investigations. Since 2012, Dr. Jeremiah has led PHAST Initiatives in the Eastern Caribbean with national government entities and community-based organizations. A sample of PHAST scholarly practice that reflects community engagement includes:
- Government of Grenada, Ministry of Education, Office of the Drug Secretariat revising the National Alcohol and Drug Use School Policy. In 2018, this policy was ratified as a new law in Grenada and designated as a best practice policy model for other Eastern Caribbean countries;
- In partnership with Grenada's Sickle Cell Association, develop and execute a community needs assessment of people living with sickle cell in Grenada;
- US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Hurricane Maria Disaster Recovery Deployment to the US Virgin Islands to facilitate a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) for the US Virgin Islands Department of Health.
Selected Publications
Gresh, A., Adams, E., Chirwa. E., Chodzaza, E., Chorw-Sungani, G., Kafulafula, U., Kapito, E., Jeremiah, R. D., Klima, C., MacDonald, A., McCreary, L., Norr, K., & Patil, C., (2022) Experiential Training workshop for group antenatal care in Malawi. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (0)00, 1-15. doi:10.1111/jmwh.13436
Matthews, A, Abboud S., Smith, A., Smith, C., Jeremiah, R.D., Hart, A., & Weaver T., (2022). Strategies to Address Structural and Institutional Barriers to Success among Students of Color in Nursing Programs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 40. 96-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2022.03.005
Jeremiah, R.D.., Patel, D., Chirwa, E., Kapito, E., Mei, X., McCreary, L., Norr, K., Liu, L., & Patil, C., (2021) A Randomized Group Antenatal Care Pilot Showed Increased Partner Communication and Partner HIV Testing During Pregnancy in Malawi and Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (790). 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-021-04267-6
Jeremiah, R. D., Raygoza, A., Hernandez, X., & Brandon, C. (2021). How American attitudes about race, ethnicity, and gender affect the health and wellbeing of Black-African Refugee Men in the United States. International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.22374/ijmsch.v4i1.39
Saw, A., Nau, S., Jeremiah, R. D., & Zakaria, N. B. (2021). Laying the groundwork for participatory research with a Rohingya refugee community. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Special Edition: Collaborative and Participatory Research to Promote Engagement, Empowerment, and Resilience for Immigrant and Refugee Youth, Families, and Communities. https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000431
Lacey, K. K., Jeremiah, R. D., Cummings, L. O., & Drummond-Lewis, S. (2021) The self-perceived health of Caribbeans within and outside the region: Examining the influence of social factors, sources of stress, and health-related conditions. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research, 7(1), 1-21.
Lacey, K. K., Sears, K. P., Crawford, T. V., Cummings, L. O., Drummond-Lewis, S., Jeremiah, R. D., & Jackson, J. S. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of physical health conditions in Jamaica and Guyana. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 13(2), 129-140
Lacey, K. K., Shahid, H. R., & Jeremiah, R. D. (2021). Intimate partner violence and the role of child maltreatment and neighborhood violence: A retrospective study of African American and US Caribbean Black women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18052245
Jeremiah, R. D., Taylor, B., Castillo, A., & Garcia, V. (2020). A qualitative community assessment of racial/ethnic sexual gender minority young adults: Principles for strategies to motivate action(s) for realistic tasks (SMART Thinking) addressing HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, mental health, and substance abuse. American Journal of Men’s Health, 14(5), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/1557988320966230
Lacey, K. K., Jeremiah, R. D., & West, C. M. (2019). Domestic violence through a Caribbean Lens: Historical context, theories, risks, and consequences. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 30(6), 761–780. https://doi.org/10.1080/10926771.2019.1660442
Matthews, A. K., Rak, K., Anderson, E., Bostwick, W., Ramirez-Valles, J., Ruiz, R. A., Macapagal, K., Watson, K. S., Jeremiah, R. D., Castillo, A., & Choure, W. (2018). White Paper from a CTSA workshop series on special and underserved populations: enhancing investigator readiness to conduct research involving LGBT populations. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 2(4), 193–200. https://doi.org/10.1017/cts.2018.317
Assari, S., & Jeremiah, R. D. (2018). Intimate partner violence may be one mechanism by which male partner socioeconomic status and substance use affect female partner health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 160–160. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00160
Jeremiah, R. D., Quinn, C. R., & Alexis, J. M. (2017). Exposing the culture of silence: Inhibiting factors in the prevention, treatment, and mitigation of sexual abuse in the Eastern Caribbean. Child Abuse & Neglect, 66, 53–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.01.029
Cooke, I. J., Jeremiah, R. D., Moore, N. J., Watson, K., Dixon, M. A., Jordan, G. L., Murray, M., Keeter, M. K., Hollowell, C. M. P., & Murphy, A. B. (2017). Barriers and facilitators toward HIV testing and health perceptions among African American men who have sex with women at a southside Chicago community health center: A pilot study. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 286. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2016.00286
Publication Aggregators
Service to Community
Associate Editor, Journal of Health Education & Behavior
Lead Evaluator, Multi-Faith Veterans Initiative
Faculty Mentor, CDC's Future Public Health Leaders Program (FPHL)
Community Advisory Board Member, PROJECT RADICAL (RAcial DIsparities in CAncer of the Lung)
Faculty Affiliate, Public Health Action Support Team (PHAST)
Paul D. Cornely Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health (CRECH); University of Michigan, School of Public Health
Ph.D. Applied Anthropology, Concentration in Women and Gender Studies; University of South Florida
M.P.H. Health Behavior and Health Education, Concentration in Global Health; University of Michigan, School of Public Health
B.S. Anthropology, Concentration in Health and Humanities; Michigan State University
Professional Memberships
American Anthropology Association (AAA)
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
American Public Health Association (APHA)
Caribbean Studies Association
National Peace Corps Association
Society for Applied Anthropology (SFAA)
Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
Selected Presentations
Desloge, Allissa, Mambulasa, J., Kapito, E., Chirwa E., Jeremiah RD., Batchelder A., Gresh, A., Patel,D., Norr K., Patil. C., (2022). Co-Facilitator Perspectives on the Implementation of Group Antenatal Care in Malawi: The Benefit of Inductive and Deductive Coding. Hong Kong Nursing Forum cum 1st Asia-Pacific Qualitative Health Research Network (AQUHN) Conference. Nov 30-Dec 2, 2022
Jeremiah, RD (2022). Leveraging multisectoral partnerships to promote engagement among historically underrepresented/historically resilient communities. Launch of the 2023 AJPH Special Issue, “Achieving health equity in HIV, substance use, and trauma prevention and treatment: Mentoring to dismantle structural racism.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. November 7, 2022.
Patil, Crystal, Ashley Gresh, Esnath Kapito, Li Liu, Elizabeth T. Abrams, Dhruvi Patel, Heidy Wang, Rohan D. Jeremiah, Kathleen F. Norr, and Ellen Chirwa. (2022). The role of experiential-based training and local trainers in implementing and sustaining group antenatal care with high fidelity in Malawi. International Centering-Based Group Care Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. November 17-18, 2022
Gresh, Ashley., Patil, C., Chirwa, E., Kapito, E., Abrams, E., Patel, D.*, Chodzaza, E., Chorwe, G., Jere, D., Kafulafula, U., Jeremiah, RD., & Norr, K. (2022). Adapting and implementing group healthcare in Malawi. 67th American College of Nurse-Midwives. May 21-25, 2022
Jeremiah, RD (2022). How do the sociocultural norms of the resettlement environment affect the health and well-being of racial and ethnic minority refugees? 2022 International Conference: New Normal and Migration. Chonnam National University (South Korea). April 29, 2022.
Jeremiah, RD., & Murray, M., (2022). Citizen Scientist: A Model of Engagement in Cancer Awareness and Screening. The featured presentation included the NCI-supported tools and training for informatics and data science roundtable discussion. American Association for Cancer Research, Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans, LA, April 8-13, 2022
Malloy, M., Leonard, C., Walsh, S., Sparbel, K., Jeremiah, R.D., Ocho, O., & Barton-Gooden, A. (2021). Sustaining Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice through an Evidence-Based Approach in a Pandemic. Building Resilience through Research in a Pandemic: Webinar Series on Interprofessional Education and Collaboration, National Health Research Conference, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers at UIC, Duke University, and the University of the West Indies. Webinar Workshop, November 19, 2021.
Sparbel, K., Jeremiah, R.D., & Walsh, S. (2021). Applying interprofessional education (IPE) concepts in the nursing curriculum. PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers at UIC, Duke University, and University of the West Indies-Mona Campus. Webinar Workshop, May 27, 2021.
Jeremiah, R.D., (2021). The Application of Intersectionality in Refugee Men’s Health Research. Invited speaker at the Columbia University/University of Illinois Chicago, Colleges of Nursing Global Health Speaker Series. April 22, 2021.
Jeremiah, R.D. & Sparbel, K. (2021). The Role of Interprofessional Collaboration Concepts and Practices among Nursing Leadership. Leadership in the Covid Era and Beyond: What knowledge and skills are required: Webinar Series on Leadership in Commemoration of International Nurses Day, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, February 16, 2021.
Jeremiah, R.D., (2021). Introduction to Interprofessional Education: Foundations and Concepts. University of the West Indies, Mona Interprofessional Education Conference. Jamaica, West Indies, February 19, 2021.
Chirwa, E., Jeremiah, R.D., Kapito E., Liu, L., McCreary L., Mei X., Norr, K., Patel, D & Patil, C., (2021). A Randomized Group Antenatal Care Pilot Showed Increased Partner Communication and Partner HIV Testing During Pregnancy in Malawi and Tanzania. HIV Research Prevention. Cape Town, South Africa. January 27- February 4, 2021.
Patel, D., Jeremiah, R.D., Chirwa, E., Kapito E., Mei X., McCreary L., Norr, K., Patel, D & Patil, C., (2020). A Randomized Group Antenatal Care Pilot Showed Increased Partner Communication and Partner HIV Testing During Pregnancy in Malawi and Tanzania. 10th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum cum, 3rd Sigma Asia Region Conference. Hong Kong. December 7-9, 2020.
Jeremiah, R.D., (2018). Consequential Impact of Structural Violence among Rohingya Refugees in America. Poster presentation for the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus of the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego. November 9-14, 2018.
Jeremiah, R.D., Castillo, A. Garcia. V., & Taylor, B., (2018). SMART THINKING: The Innovation to address HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, Mental Health and Substance Abuse among LGBT young adults in Chicago. Paper presented at the 2018 Midwest LGBT Symposium. Chicago, IL, September 14, 2018.
Jeremiah, R.D., (2018). Exploring Exposures to Structural Violence among Rohingya Refugee Men in America. Paper presented at symposium discussion at the American Psychological Association Division 45 Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race Research. Austin, Texas, July 19-21, 2018.
Jeremiah, R.D., Castillo A., Taylor, B., O’Grady, C., & Garcia, V., (2017). UIC Integrated PASEO: A Campus-Community Partnership to Address HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, Mental Health and Substance abuse among LGBT young adults in Chicago. Poster presentation at Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Agency, Minority Serving Institutions Grantees Meeting. Bethesda, MD. December 12-14, 2017.
Research Currently in Progress
- National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), R01NR018115-04/NCT03673709. Group Antenatal Care: Effectiveness and Contextual Factors Linked to Implementation Success in Malawi. Role: Co-Investigator
- Rwanda Human Resources for Health (HRH). Rwanda Ministry of Health. Role: Principal Investigator
- National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and Center for Health Equity Research Chicago (CHER), U54. Quad Cities Refugee Men’s Health Initiative Pilot Study. Role: Principal Investigator.
- National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (CHEC) Supporting High-Risk African American Men in Research & Engagement in Decision Making for Lung Screening, EA711. Role: Multiple Principal Investigator
- National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center: UE5. Scalable multi-mode education to increase the use of ITCR tools by diverse analysis. Role: Multiple Principal Investigator
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
Media Features
WVON 1690 AM Equal Health Equal Hope: Men’s Health, October 2022: At the Intersections of Trauma, Substance Use, and HIV/AIDS
Grenada Government Information Services, September 2022, Advance Sexuality and Family Planning—To Be or not be a Cock Sparrow: Men’s Health. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxMJ79iHdto
University of Michigan School of Public Health Findings Magazine, Spring 2020. “Family Matters, Community Matters: Challenging Opportunities in Public Health Practice.” Available at: https://sph.umich.edu/findings/spring_2020/family-matters-community-matters-challenging-opportunities-in-public-health-practice.html
Budd Report, June 21, 2020. “Balancing COVID-19 with Caribbean Opening” Available at: https://youtu.be/0i2lzoz3ERw
NOW Grenada, March 11, 2020. “Drug Control Secretariat to establish a Sports and Substance Abuse Prevention Program for youth”. Available at: https://www.nowgrenada.com/2020/03/drug-control-secretariat-to-establish-a-sports-and-substance-abuse-prevention-program-for-youths/
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health, ASPPH Connect, January 14, 2020. “UIC: Global Health Research Examines Domestic Violence in the Caribbean.” Available at: https://www.aspph.org/uic-global-health-research-examines-domestic-violence-in-the-caribbean/
The Daily Northwestern, January 25, 2019. “Panelists raise awareness about the Rohingya refugee crisis at UNICEF NU event.” Available at: https://dailynorthwestern.com/2019/01/25/campus/panelists-raise-awareness-about-rohingya-refugee-crisis-at-unicef-nu-event/
Chicago Tribune, March 29, 2018. “Rohingya refugees in Chicago face stress, anxiety after escaping horrors in Myanmar.” Available at:http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-rohingya-refugees-chicago-20171209-story.html
UIC News, November 28, 2017. “UIC resource directory helps link the community to health, service group.” Available at: https://today.uic.edu/uic-resource-directory-helps-link-community-to-health-service-groups
The State News, April 17, 2017. “Speakers at Muslim Mental Health Conf. highlight the psychological health of refugees.” Available at: http://statenews.com/article/2017/04/mmhc-refugee-panel-refugee-health
Grenada Broadcast Network, March 1, 2017. “Social Development Engagement.” Available at: https://youtu.be/9RjJyxtj2sQ
Grenada Broadcast Network, March 1, 2017. “University Partnership Continues.” Available at: https://youtu.be/lIQWyr7pZmw