Photo of Maffucci, Jennifer

Jennifer Maffucci, EdD, RN, ACNS-BC

Teaching Assistant Professor

Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science

Pronouns: She/Her


Building & Room:

656 NURS


845 S. Damen Ave., MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612

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Dr. Maffucci graduated with a BS in nursing in 2008 from Purdue University. Her specialty is adult health and she has worked in just about every subspecialty under the med/surg umbrella with the majority of that being in short stay/observation and neuro surgery. She obtained an MS as a Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse educator specializing in adult and geriatric health in 2012 from the University of Cincinnati. In 2019 Dr. Maffucci completed her Doctorate of Education from the University of Rochester with a focus on teaching and curriculum. During the program she earned a certificate in online teaching and learning and her dissertation focused on increasing clinical judgement through shared reflections in clinical post conference. She started teaching in undergrad nursing in 2011 and joined UIC in the fall of 2019. She teaches in both the BS program and the AGMS program and occasionally still work bedside RN shifts through a contract agency. Her research interest focuses on teaching and learning.

Selected Publications

Fink, A. M., Marth, S. R., Calik, M. W., Maffucci, J., Fitz, S. M., Lockwood, M. B., Quinn, L., Vanderzwan, K. J., Fritschi, C., Schwind, J., Schlaeger, J. M., Vuckovic, K. M. (2023). Understanding the Autonomic Nervous System: A How-To Guide for Designing Engaging Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Courses for Nursing Students. Nursing Forum 2023, 1-8.

Maffucci, J., Vanderzwan, K., & Burt, L. (2023). Evaluating a Shared Reflective Practice to Develop Nursing Student Clinical Judgment. Nurse Educator.

Maffucci, J. & Burt, L. (2024). Contributor, Implementation Tool Kit: The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. Application of Shared Reflective Cycles to Develop Clinical Judgment – Domains 1 & 10 – Knowledge for Nursing Practice, and Personal, Professional, and Leadership. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Washington D.C. Available at:

Salievska, A. & Maffucci, J. (2024). Contributor, Implementation Tool Kit: The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. Promoting Teamwork Through Collaborative Learning in Exams – Domains 1, 6, & 10 – Knowledge for Nursing Practice, Interprofessional Partnerships, and Personal, Professional, and Leadership. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Washington D.C. Available at:

Service to Community

Appointed to the ANA- Illinois Expert Panel on Nursing Education

Appointed to the ANA-Illinois Awards Committee

Professional Leadership

Vice President, Sigma Theta Tau (Alpha Lambda Chapter)

Notable Honors

2021, IBHE Nurse Educator Fellowship, Illinois Board of Higher Education

2020, Daisy Faculty Award, UIC Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science

2019, Outstanding Adult Student, Rochester Area Colleges Continuing Education Committee


University of Rochester - Warner School of Education
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Field Of StudyTeaching and Curriculum, 2019
Dissertation focus on the use of structured reflections to increase clinical reasoning skills in accelerated BS nursing students
Achieved Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching 2015

University of Cincinnati
Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Nurse Educator, 2012
Specialized in Adult and Geriatric Health

Purdue University
Bachelor of Science Degree: Nursing, 2008

Licensures and Certifications

  • Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Registered Nurse

Professional Memberships

  • Midwest Nursing Research Society
  • AACN
  • ANA
  • Sigma Theta Tau

Selected Presentations

Oral Presentations

* Maffucci J. Using A Shared Reflective Practice Teaching Strategy to Identify and Develop Clinical Reasoning Skills in Accelerated Nursing Students: An Action Research Study. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference; Schaumburg, IL; March 2021.

Poster Presentations

* Maffucci J. Using A Shared Reflective Practice Teaching Strategy to Identify and Develop Clinical Reasoning Skills in Accelerated Nursing Students: An Action Research Study. Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference; March 2021; Schaumburg, IL. Poster Presentation.

Media & Podcasts

Maffucci, J. (Guest). (Recorded 2024, March 29). Evaluating a Shared Reflective Practice to Develop Nursing Student Clinical Judgment (in production) [Audio podcast]. In Nurse Educator Tips for Teaching. Libsyn.

Maffucci, J. (2024). Evaluating a Shared Reflective Practice to Develop Nursing Student Clinical Judgment [Video abstract]. Nurse Educator.

Research Currently in Progress

Research interests are in teaching and learning in nursing education