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Photo of Lockwood, Mark B.

Mark B. Lockwood, PhD, MSN, RN

Associate Professor

Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science

Pronouns: He/Him/His


Building & Room:

658 NURS


845 S. Damen Ave., MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612

Office Phone:



My research program has four main components: 1) advancing symptom science through the identification of symptom clusters in patients with chronic kidney disease, 2) Exploring the effects of the gut microbiome and gut microbiota derived metabolites on symptoms and adverse outcomes in pre-and post-kidney transplant recipients, and 3) Reducing existing health disparities/inequities by developing of innovative strategies leveraging other areas of my research program.

My research program takes an ‘omics’ approach to symptom science.  I am particularly interested in the effects of kidney transplantation on the microbiome and how changes in these changes relate to psychoneurological symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbance , and depression/anxiety after transplant.  There is a clear link between disruptions in the gut microbiome and some psychoneurological symptoms via the brain-gut microbiome axis.  We have begun work exploring relationships between disruptions in the oral/gut microbiota that result from exposure to antibiotics, immunosuppression, and stress from the transplant surgery, the patient’s symptom burden in a prospective study of patients with end stage renal disease who progress to kidney transplantation. This work is being done in conjunction with Dr. Stefan Green and colleagues at the DNA Services Laboratory at UIC. Our research will improve out understanding of why some psychoneurological symptoms persist even after the restoration of kidney function.

Selected Grants

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, R01DK135574:The Gut Microbiome and Serum Metabolites as a Biological Mechanism Underlying Pain in Kidney Transplantation (Biome-KT), PI

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U01 DK123787-S01: HEAL supplement, University of Illinois at Chicago Hemodialysis Opioid Prescription Effort (HOPE) Clinical Center, PI

National Institute of Nursing Research, K23NR018482: Changes in Oral and Gut Microbiota and Incidence and Severity of Patient-Reported Symptoms in Pre- and Post-Kidney Transplant Patients, PI

Selected Publications

Tobin DG, Lockwood MB, Kimmel PL, Dember LM, Eneanya ND, Jhamb M, et al. Opioids for chronic pain management in patients with dialysis-dependent kidney failure. Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41581-021-00484-6.

Li, H., Liu, T., Heinsberg, L. W., Lockwood, M. B, Wainwright, D. A., Jang, M. J., Doorenbos, A. Z. (2020). Systematic review of kynurenine pathway and psychoneurological symptoms among adult cancer survivors. Biological Research for Nursing

Diallo AF, Lockwood MB, Maki KA, Green, S.J., et al. (2020). Metabolic Profiling of Blood and Urine for Exploring the Functional Role of the Microbiota in Human Health. Biological Research For Nursing.0(0):1099800420941080.

Lockwood, M. B., & Green, S. J. (2020). Clinical care is evolving: The microbiome for advanced practice nurses. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 32(4), 290-292. doi:10.1097/jxx.0000000000000379

Lockwood, M. B., Lash, J. P., Pauls, H., Chung, S. Y., Samra, M., Ryan, C., . . . Bronas, U. (2020) Physical Symptom Cluster Subgroups in Chronic Kidney Disease. Nurs Res. doi:10.1097/nnr.000000000000040

Lockwood, M.B., Chung, S., Puzantian, H., Bronas, U. G., Ryan, C. J., Park, C., & DeVon, H. A. (2019). Symptom Cluster Science in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Literature Review. Western Journal of Nursing Research

Maki, K.A., Diallo, A.F., Lockwood, M.B., Franks, A.T., Green, S.J., Joseph, P.V. (2019). Considerations When Designing a Microbiome Study: Implications for Nursing Science. Biological Research for Nursing, 099800418811639. doi:10.1177/1099800418811639.

Lockwood MB, Saunders MR, Nass R, McGivern CL, Cunningham PN, Chon WJ, et al. Lee, C. (2017). Patient-Reported Barriers to the Prekidney Transplant Evaluation in an At-Risk Population in the United States. Progress in Transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif). 2017;27(2):131-8. Epub 2017/06/16. doi: 10.1177/1526924817699957. PubMed PMID: 28617167.

Lockwood, M.B., Saunders, M. Lee, C.S., Becker, Y.T., Josephson, M.A., and Chon, W.J., (2013). Kidney Transplantat and the Digital Divide:  Does Information and Communication Technology Represent a Barrier or a Bridge to Transplantation for African Americans? Progress in Transplantation, 23(4), 302-9.  doi: 10.7182/pit20113869.

Notable Honors

2021, NIH/NINR Clinical Loan Repayment Award, National Institute of Nursing Research

2020, Staff and Faculty Appreciation Award, UIC CON Graduate Student Nursing Organization and Student Nurses’ Association

2019, Best Abstract/Podium Presentation, International Transplant Nurses Society

2018, Janet A. Deatrick Award, UIC College of Nursing

2018, Distiguished Service Award, International Transplant Nurses Society

2017, Fellow, NINR Summer Gentics Institute

2016, Distinguished Service Award, Univeristy of Chicago Medicine


PhD Oregon Health and Science University School of Nursing

MSN Loyola University at New Orleans School of Nursing

ASN/BSN Jewish Hospital College of Nursing and Allied Health (Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Professional Memberships


2020                Member, International Society of Nurses in Genomics

2019                Member, National Kidney Foundation

2017                Member, The Transplantation Society

2011                Member, International Transplant Nurses Society

2010                Member, The Honors Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International



Selected Presentations

2020 National Advisory Council for Nursing Research, National Institute of Nursing Research, “The Mentors Who Made Me: My Journey to Become a Nurse Scientist”, January 14, 2020, Bethesda , MD.

2019 International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, Transplant Nursing in the 21st Century:  The Universal Code for Care. “ Introduction to the Microbiome:  New Frontiers in Nursing Science and Clinical Practice”. November, 2019, Orlando, FL. Pre symposium presentation:  Genomics 101.

2016 International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, Transplant Nursing: Bridging passion, practice, and patient care.  October 13, 2016, “Let ITNS Help Take Your Career to the Next Educational Leve: Leadership, Mentoring, and Career Development in Transplant Nursing”, Pittsburg, PA.  Pre-symposium Program, (developed in conjunction with Laura Taylor, PhD, RN, ANEF, Cynthia Russell, PhD, RN, FAAN, Donna Hathaway, PhD, RN, FAAN, Catherine Pantik, RN, and Justin Bilik, RN)

2019 International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, Transplant Nursing in the 21st Century:  The Universal Code for Care.  November 2019, “Considerations When Designing a Microbiome Study:  New Frontiers of Nursing Science”. Orlando, FL. Oral Presentation.

2018 International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, Transplant Nurses:  Leaders in Excellence.  September, 2018, “Patient Portal Use Among Pre- and Post-Kidney Transplant Patients at an Urban Transplant Center in the United States”.Chicago, IL. Oral Presentation.

2018 International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, Transplant Nurses:  Leaders in Excellence.  September, 2018, “Why I went to the NINR’s Summer Genetics Institute and Why You Should Too!”, Chicago, IL. Oral Presentation.

2018 American Transplant Congress, June 2-6, 2018, “Facilitators and Barriers to Patient Portal Use among Pre- and Post-Kidney Transplant Patients at an Urban Center in the United States”, Seattle, WA, Poster presentation.

2018 Midwest Research Nursing  Society Annual Conference, Chung, S.Y. & Lockwood, M. “Symptom Clusters in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Review of Literature”, Cleveland, OH, April 12-15, 2018. (Oral Presentation, presented by Dr. Chung).

43nd Biennial Convention, Honors Society of Nursing: Sigma Theta Tau, October 2017 “In-Home Internet Use Increases as the Number of Internet Users in the Household Increases”. Indianapolis, IN, Oral Presentation

2017 American Transplant Congress, April 26-May 3, 2017, “Patient-reported Barriers to the Pre-kidney Transplant Evaluation in an At-risk Population in the United States“. Chicago, IL, Poster presentation

2016 International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, Transplant Nursing: Bridging passion, practice, and patient care.  October 16, 2016, “Determining Predictors of In-home Internet Access and Use of Personal Health Record (PHR) Systems in an Urban End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD)/Post-kidney Transplant Population in the United States”,  Pittsburg, PA. Oral Presentation, (Plenary session).

2016 American Transplant Congress, June 11-15, 2016, “Prospective Randomized Controlled Study Evaluating the Impact of an Electronic Feedback System (EFS) on Medication Adherence in Solid Organ Transplantation”, Boston, MA, Oral presentation

2016 American Transplant Congress, June 11-15, 2016, “Randomized Controlled Study Evaluating Adherence Monitoring with Electronic Feedback on Reducing Renal Allograft Rejection”, Boston, MA, Oral presentation

2016 American Transplant Congress, June 11-15, 2016, “Prospective Randomized Controlled Study Evaluating the Relationship Between Electronic Adherence Data and Tacrolimus Concentration Data”, Boston, MA, Poster presentation


Research Currently in Progress

2020-2022       Lockwood, M.B., Fischer, M.J., Doorenbos, A. 3 U01 DK123787-01 University of Illinois at Chicago Hemodialysis Opioid Prescription Effort (HOPE) Clinical Center, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

2019-2022       Lockwood. M.B. (PI), Green, S. J. (Mentor)  1K23NR018482-01A1 Changes in Oral and Gut Microbiota and Incidence and Severity of Patient-Reported Symptoms in Pre- and Post-Kidney Transplant Patients, National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).