Onome Henry Osokpo, PhD, MSc., MSN, RN
Assistant Professor
Department of Population Health Nursing Science
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958 NURS
845 S. Damen Ave., MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612
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Dr. Osokpo is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) College of Nursing. His program of research aims to reduce health disparities, advance health equity, and mitigate adverse social determinants of health, with a particular focus on improving self-care and transitions of care for structurally vulnerable adult populations, including Blacks/African immigrants and families. He seeks to understand and address the multilevel barriers to health care—including sociocultural (e.g., language), economic, behavioral, and system (e.g., organizational)—that adversely impact the health and outcomes of structurally vulnerable adults with chronic illnesses.
Dr. Osokpo holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a Kass Scholar at the NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health, a Jonas Nursing Scholar, and a Fontaine Society Fellow. He completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the same institution as a Provost Post-doctoral fellow. He received his MSN in the Adult and Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Program from the University of Pennsylvania, and his BSN from Stony Brook University. Dr Osokpo's degrees prior to nursing comprise a BSc (Ed) in Chemistry education and an MSc in Analytical Chemistry.
His research has been supported by the National League for Nursing Foundation for Research Award, Nightingale Awards of Pennsylvania Research Award, Penn Nursing Office of Nursing Research and Sigma Theta Tau International, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Research on Vulnerable Women, Children, and Families (T32NR007100), Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Individualized Care for At-Risk Older Adults (T32NR009356), and Center for Improving Care Delivery for the Aging (NIA P30AG059302).
Dr Osokpo was previously a lecturer and an adjunct faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. He also previously served as a member of the Diversity Committee of the New York State Action Coalition and was a board member of the New Careers in Nursing Scholars Association.
Selected Publications
Riegel, B., Barbaranelli, C., Carlson, B., Sethares, K. A., Daus, M., Moser, D. K., Miller, J., Osokpo, O. H., . . . Vellone, E. (2018). Psychometric testing of the revised self-care of heart failure index. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, doi:10.1097/JCN.0000000000000543
De Maria, M., Matarese, M., Stromberg, A., Ausili, D., Vellone, E., Jaarsma, T., Osokpo, O. H … & Barbaranelli, C. (2019). Cross-cultural assessment of the Self-Care of Chronic Illness Inventory: a psychometric evaluation. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 103422.
Yu, D. S. F., De Maria, M., Barbaranelli, C., Vellone, E., Matarese, M., Ausili, D., Rejane, R., Osokpo., O.H., … & Riegel, B. (2020). Cross‐cultural applicability of the Self‐Care Self‐Efficacy Scale in a multi‐national study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(2), 681-692.
Riegel, B., Westland, H., Iovino, P., Barelds, I., Slot, J. B., Stawnychy, M. A., Osokpo, O. H., … & Strömberg, A. (2020). Characteristics of self-care interventions for patients with a chronic condition: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 103713.
Osokpo, O., & Riegel, B. (2021). Cultural factors influencing self-care by persons with cardiovascular disease: an integrative review. International journal of nursing studies, 116, 103383.
Osokpo, O., James, R., & Riegel, B. (2021). Maintaining cultural identity: A systematic mixed studies review of cultural influences on the self‐care of African immigrants living with non‐communicable disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(9), 3600-3617.
Osokpo, O. H., Lewis, L. M., Ikeaba, U., Chittams, J., Barg, F. K., & Riegel, B. (2022). Self-care of African immigrant adults with chronic illness. Clinical nursing research, 31(3), 413-425.
Bankole, A. O., Jiwani, R. B., Avorgbedor, F., Wang, J., Osokpo, O. H., Gill, S. L., & Braden, C. J. (2023). Exploring illness perceptions of multimorbidity among community-dwelling older adults: a mixed methods study. Aging and Health Research, 100158.
Osokpo, O., Hirschman, K., Ahrens, M., Ji, W., Hanlon, A., & Naylor, M. (2023). MIRROR-TCM TRIAL: The Influence of Patient-level factors on Acute Care Resource Use of Older Adults. Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement_1), 1081-1081.
Regan, C., Hirschman, K., McHugh, M., Osokpo, O., Mccauley, K., Shaid, E., & Naylor, M. (2023). Identifying Care Transitions Needs Experienced By Older Adults and Caregivers Hospital to Home. Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement_1), 1059-1059
Notable Honors
2024, Janet A. Deatrick Award for Assistant Professors, University of Illinois
2023, Health Disparities Research Institute Scholar, NIH/NIMHD
2022-2023, CICADA Scientist, National Institute of Aging/The Center for Improving Care Delivery for the Aging
2021-2023, Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
2021, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Individualized Care for At-Risk Older Adults (T32NR009356)
2018-2020, Jonas Scholar, Jonas Nursing and Veterans Healthcare
2018, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Research on Vulnerable Women, Children and Families (T32NR007100)