Robin Adair Shannon, DNP, RN, NCSN, FNASN
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Population Health Nursing Science
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Building & Room:
NURS 942
845 S. Damen Ave., MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612
Office Phone:
My professional and academic expertise is in the specialty practice of school nursing with special interest in school health policy development and protecting the rights of students with disabilities and special healthcare needs. I have taught in DNP core courses and in the School Nurse Certificate Program. I serve on the National Board for Certification in School Nursing as Examination Committee Chair and was President in 2022.
I am a co-editor of the National Association of School Nurses’ (NASN) School Nursing A Comprehensive Text, 3rd ed (Selekman, Shannon, & Yonkaitis, Eds., 2019). This text is the national curriculum and go-to resource for our specialty practice - over 9000 copies have been sold! We are already working on the 4th edition to be published in 2025.
I created a Model for Developing Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for School Nursing under the auspices of NASN as a standardized structure and systematic methodology for nurse scholars to compose rigorous practice guidelines. Check out NASN's EBP Clinical Guidelines using this model. I am working to roll out the CPG Model to other nursing specialties. Ask me about it!
Selected Grants
National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute, Improving Sickle cell care in Adolescents and Adults in Chicago (ISAAC), Co-investigator (2016-2019)
Selected Publications
Nickum, A., Hanneke, R., & Shannon, R.A. (2023, August 9). Knowing what we don’t know: A survey of school nurse information needs. Journal of School Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1177/10598405231193361
Shannon, R. A., & Donahue, E. J. (2022). National Certification in School Nursing: Frequently asked questions. NASN School Nurse. https://doi.org/10.1177/1942602X221108074
Bobo, N., Nichols, A., McClanahan, R., Mueret, C., Nelson., L., Nichols, A., Shannon, R.A., & Stalhnecker, L. (2021, July). School nurse-led case management manual. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & National Association of School Nurses. https://learn.nasn.org/courses/33713
Britten, J., Nelson, R., Pappalardo, A.A., Shannon, R.A., Volerman, A., Woolverton, N., & Zimmerman, A. (2020, January). Implementation for quick-relief stock asthma medication. Respiratory Health Association & Illinois Department of Public Health. https://dph.illinois.gov/sites/default/files/publications/stock-asthma-rescue-medication-toolkit.pdf
Shannon, R. A., & Maughan, E. D. (2020). A model for developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for school nursing. Journal of School Nursing. 36(6), 415-422. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840519880938
Lepkowski, A., Shannon, R. A., & Maughan, E. D. (2020). Validating a model for developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for school nursing. Journal of School Nursing, 336(6), 410-414. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840519881771
Shannon, R. A. (2020). Emergency and disaster nursing in schools. In C. Goodhue & N. Blake (Eds.) Nursing management of pediatric disasters (pp.315-330). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG
Selekman, J., Shannon, R. A., & Yonkaitis, C. F. (Eds.) (2019). School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company
Cory, A., & Shannon, R. A. (2019). The student’s family. In J. Selekman, R. A. Shannon, & C. F. Yonkaitis (Eds.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (3rd ed.) (pp. 240-259). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
Leingang, C. H., Shannon, R. A., & Mecham, J. Student behavior assessment and management. In J. Selekman, R. A. Shannon, & C. F. Yonkaitis (Eds.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (3rd ed.) (pp.742- 755). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
McClanahan., R., Kahn, P., & Shannon, R. A. (2019). School health office management. In J. Selekman, R. A. Shannon, & C. F. Yonkaitis (Eds.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (3rd ed.) (pp. 888-908). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
Shannon, R. A., & Guilday, P. (2019). Emergency and disaster preparedness and response in schools. In J. Selekman, R. A. Shannon, & C. F. Yonkaitis (Eds.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (3rd ed.) (pp. 457-477). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
Shannon, R.A., & Haynie, K. (2019). Wellness promotion for school staff. In J. Selekman, R. A. Shannon, & C. F. Yonkaitis (Eds.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (3rd ed.) (pp. 922-937). Philadelphia, PA: F. Davis Company.
Yonkaitis, C.F., & Shannon, R. A. (2019). Health and education plans for students with special healthcare needs. In J. Selekman, R. A. Shannon, & C. F. Yonkaitis (Eds.), School nursing: A comprehensive text (3rd ed.) (pp.172-199). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
Shannon, R. A. (2019). Emergency and disaster nursing in schools (accepted for publication). In C. Goodhue & N. Blake (Eds.). Nursing management of pediatric disasters. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG
Shannon, R. A., & Maughan, E. D. (online, October, 2019). A model for developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for school nursing. Journal of School Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840519880938
Lepkowski, A., Shannon, R. A., & Maughan, E. D. (online, October, 2019). Validating a model for developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for school nursing. Journal of School Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840519881771
Shannon, R. A. (2018). School nursing EBP clinical guidelines: What they are and are not, and why they matter, NASN School Nurse, 3(2), 104-105. doi: 10.1177/1942602X17753602
Shannon, R. A. & Holman, C.F. (2017). Sickle cell disease. In S. Will, M.J. & Zaiger, D.S. (Eds). Individualized Healthcare Plans for The School Nurse, pp. 899-914. North Branch, MN: Sunrise River Press.
Shannon, R. A. & Yonkaitis, C.F. (2017). The role of the school nurse in the special education process, Part 2: Eligibility determination and the individual education program. NASN School Nurse, 3(4), 249-254. doi:10.1177/1942602X17709505
Yonkaitis, C.F. & Shannon, R. A. (2017). The role of the school nurse in the special education process, Part I: Student identification & evaluation. NASN School Nurse, 32(3), 179-184. doi:10.1177/1942602X17700677
Shannon, R. A. (2016). A clinical translation of the article titled “Evidence for implementation of the Early Start Denver Model for young children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 21(5), 348-342. doi:10.1177/107839021562263
Shannon, R. A. & Minchella, L. (2015). Students requiring personal nursing care in school: Nursing care models and a checklist for school nurses. NASN School Nurse, 30(2), 76-80. doi:10.1177/1942602X15569781
Shannon, R. A. & Kubelka, S. (2013). Reducing the risks of delegation: Use of procedure skills checklists for unlicensed assistive personnel in schools, Part 2. NASN School Nurse, 28(5), 222-226. doi:10.1177/1942602X13490030
Shannon, R. A. & Kubelka, S. (2013). Reducing the risks of delegation: Use of procedure skills checklists for unlicensed assistive personnel in schools, Part 1. NASN School Nurse, 28(4),178-181. doi:10.1177/1942602X13489886
Shannon, R.A., Bergren, M. D., & Matthews, A. (2010). Frequent visitors: Somatization in school-age children and implications for school nurses. The Journal of School Nursing, 26(3), 169-182. doi:10.1177/1059840509356777
Service to Community
I served on the National Board for Certification of School Nurses as the Examination Committee Chair, 2019-2021. I am the Co-chair of the National Association of School Nurses Educators Special Interest Group.
Notable Honors
2020, Fellow of the National Academy of School Nurses, National Association of School Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice in Advanced Population Health
UIC College of Nursing, 2017
Master of Science in Nursing
Advanced Community Health Nursing/School Nursing Clinical Specialist
UIC College of Nursing, 2009
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, 1982
Licensures and Certifications
National Certified School Nurse
Illinois Professional Educator License - School Nurse