Dawn Renee Sarginson, PhD, RN, CNE
Teaching Assistant Professor
Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Sciences, Springfield Campus
Pronouns: she/her
Building & Room:
One University Plaza, SAB 60B, Springfield, IL 62703
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Dr. Dawn Sarginson joined the University of Illinois (UIC), College of Nursing Springfield Campus in the Spring of 2018.
She is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) who primarily teaches in the prelicensure, undergraduate nursing program. Dr. Sarginson has 16 years of clinical nursing experience before joining academia to mentor future nurses. The experience teaching nursing students influenced her decision to obtain a Ph.D. in Nursing focusing on Nursing Education.
Dr. Sarginson's original research interest included a clinical focus on patients with heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea. Her scholarly focus in nursing education includes socio-emotional learning, social media in nursing education, interactive technology, collaborative learning, and active learning spaces.
Selected Publications
Sarginson, D. (2010). Identifying barriers to CPAP use in the sleep apnea patient [Abstract]. Journal of Heart and Lung, 39(4), 360-361.
Zak, S., Farell-Anderson, K., Prasun, M., & Sarginson, D. (2016). Characteristics of heart failure patients followed in an outpatient disease management program[Abstract]. Journal of Heart and Lung, 45 (4), 375-376.
Koontz, S. Van Schyndel, J., Reese, C. E., McPherson, S. Woods, R. A., Scoggins, L., Sarginson, D., & Wendler, C. (2019). Faculty support for a culture of scholarship: A literature review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35, 480-490. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.05.001
Sarginson, D., & McPherson, S. (2021). Nearpod: An innovative teaching strategy to engage students in pathophysiology/pharmacology. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(7), 422-423. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20210616-13
Sarginson, D. & Wendler, M.C. (2024). Social media in nursing education: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(1), 6-9. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20231112-01
Notable Honors
2019, Daisy Faculty Award, Daisy Foundation
2024, Nurse Educator Fellow, Illinois Board of Higher Education
2021 Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL Focus: Nursing Education
Dissertation: Innovative Teaching Strategies: Using Facebook to Engage Nursing Students in Learning
2010 Master of Science in Nursing, Millikin University, Decatur, IL Focus: Nursing
Master’s Thesis: Sleep Apnea and Heart Failure: The Impact of Patients’ Perceptions on Education and the Ability to Overcome Barriers
1996 Bachelor of Science, Nursing, St. John’s College, Springfield, IL
1994 Associate in Liberal Arts, Springfield College, Springfield, IL
Licensures and Certifications
1996-Present Registered Nurse, State of Illinois, # 041.298922, expires May 2024
2022-Present Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) National League for Nursing
Professional Memberships
2010 Member Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing, Nu Pi-At-Large Chapter
2018 Member The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi International, -All-Discipline Honor Society
Selected Presentations
Sarginson, D. & McPherson, S. (2023, March 3). Incorporating Technology into Teaching. University of Illinois Chicago: Teaching and Learning Faculty Development Series: Chicago, IL (virtual).