Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Nurses—Online Course
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Nurses—Online Course Heading link
This continuing nursing education course was developed with nurses in mind. It discusses the definition and types of sexual harassment, the causes and consequences of sexual harassment including the science and research in sexual harassment, the strategies for intervention and prevention if one experiences or witnesses it in the workplace, the reporting of sexual harassment within one’s place of employment and to outside entities such as the Illinois Department of Human Rights, whistleblower protections, and resources related to sexual harassment. This course will be beneficial for all nurses to take to learn about the prevention of sexual harassment.
This course fulfills the Illinois nursing CE requirement as required by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations for a one (1) hour course in sexual harassment prevention training continuing education for Illinois LPN, RN, and APRN license renewal beginning in 2020.
Cost: $20
Click to Register
Learning outcomes Heading link
The overall learning outcome is for participants to integrate the following concepts pertaining to sexual harassment prevention into their professional practice:
- Describe the factors that contribute to sexual harassment;
- Verbalize the different types of sexual harassment;
- Identify how to prevent sexual harassment; and
- Discuss steps to take when one witnesses or experiences sexual harassment.
Audience Heading link
Target Audience
- Registered nurses
- Advanced practice registered nurses
- Registered nurses in all specialties
Criteria for Successful Completion
Participants must complete the entire activity and a post activity online evaluation to receive contact hours.
Course presented by Heading link

Sarah Abboud, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
Department of Human Development Nursing Science
College of Nursing
University of Illinois Chicago

Julienne Rutherford, PhD
John & Nell Mitchell Endowed Chair for Pediatric Nursing
College of Nursing
University of Arizona
Disclosures Heading link
Expiration of activity is 2/17/2025. There is no conflict of interest for anyone is a position to control content of this activity. This nursing continuing education activity awards one (1) nursing contact hour upon successful completion. Questions about the activity and continuing education hours should be directed to Diandra Scorza, RN at See criteria for successful completion. University of Illinois College of Nursing is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.