Student Success Program
This program provides academic support services for undergraduate and graduate nursing students.
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Student Success Coordinators (SSCs)
Student Success Coordinators collaborate with faculty to support students identified as requiring additional assistance for course-specific academic success. Meeting with a SSC is a positive step in achieving academic success. Any student who feels they need additional support may also directly reach out to their Student Success Coordinator for assistance and resources.

Peer Tutoring
We offer free tutoring for many classes at the prelicensure and graduate levels. The tutors are current UIC students who excel in their programs and are able to dedicate time to tutoring others. Tutoring can be face to face, over the phone, through virtual platforms such as Zoom or via email and may be accessed by students at all campuses.
Use the link below to request a tutoring session. You will be asked to log in with your standard UIC credentials. If you do not receive a response within two business days, please email Jennifer Maffucci.

Open Skills Lab
Our Clinical Learning Resource Center (Schwartz Simulation Lab) is located in the lower level of the College of Nursing and is available to you throughout the week for unstructured lab time. If you would like to have more time practicing skills outside of your assigned lab time, please use the link below to sign up. You can also email Lynn Ortiz if you have any questions. Think about getting a group of your peers together and come to the lab!