Celeste M Schultz, PhD, RN-BC, CPNP-PC-PC
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Human Development Nursing Science
845 S. Damen Ave., MC 802, Chicago, IL 60612
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Celeste Schultz is a doctorally prepared pediatric nurse practitioner. She completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing and Master of Science in Maternal-Child Nursing at the University of Michigan. Her doctoral dissertation was "Giving Children a Voice: A Novel Approach to Reveal Preschool-age Children's Concepts Related to Food and the Organization of These Concepts." Celeste also has extensive pediatric experience, both as a nurse in the acute care setting, and as a pediatric nurse practitioner in primary care.
Celeste is passionate about her research and promoting the health and well-being of children of all ages. She hopes to foster this passion of caring for children with students through teaching.
Selected Publications
Schultz, C. M., & Thorlton, J. R. (2018). Access to Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables in School Lunches: A Policy Analysis. Journal of School
Nursing. doi:10.1177/1059840518762517
Schultz, C. M., & Doran, R. (2018). Pulmonary Emboli and Deep Venous
Thrombosis during Adolescence. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32
(3), 298-301. doi:10.1016/ j.pedhc.2017.09.016
Schultz, C. M., & Danford, C. A. (2016). Children’s knowledge of eating: An
integrative review of the literature. Appetite, 107, 534-548. doi:
Danford, C. A., Schultz, C. M., Rosenblum, K., Miller, A. L., & Lumeng, J.C.
(2015). Perceptions of low-income mothers about the causes and ways to
prevent overweight in children. Child: Care, Health & Development.
Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/cch.12256
Schultz, C. M., Krassa, T. J., & Doran, R. J. (2019). Using elementary schools for pediatric practicum: An alternative approach. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35, 224-227.
Schultz, C. M., Krassa, T. J., & Doran, R. (2018). A theory driven approach to using elementary schools for pediatric practicum. Journal of Professional Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2018.12.008
Schultz, C. M., Krassa, T. J., & Jones, K. L. (2019). Pediatric practicums conducted in school settings: An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. doi:10.1515/ijnes-2018-0051
Schultz, C. M., Bothwell, S., Carter, A., & Leipold, C. (Feb 5, 2020) Letter to the Editor Healthcare and Quality: A Nursing Perspective. Online Journal of Nursing. https://ojin.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/LetterstotheEditor/Response-by-Celeste-M-Schultz-and-colleagues-to-OJIN-topic-Healthcare-and-Quality-Perspectives-f.html
Schultz, C. M., & Corte, C. (2020). Self-concept profiles of youth at risk for maladaptive behaviors. The Journal of School Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840520940379
Schultz, C. M., & Danford, C. A. (2020). What obese and healthy weight preschoolers believe and know about food. Cognitive Development, 57, 10100.
Professional Leadership
Treasurer, AFPNP
Notable Honors
2015, Research Poster Award, NAPNAP
2014, 1st Place Research Poster, Pediatric Nursing
2010- 2015 University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Doctor of Philosophy Nursing
1988-1991 University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Master in Nursing (Parent Child Nursing)
1973-1977 Capital University
Columbus, Ohio
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Licensures and Certifications
1977 to present Ohio RN and APN
1988 to present Michigan RN and APN
2016 to present Illinois RN and APN
Professional Memberships
2017 to present Faculty of Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP)
2014 to present American Nurses Association
2014 to present Ohio Nurses Association
2013 to present Midwest Nursing Research Society
1996 to present Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses
Previous regional coordinator, reimbursement committee member
1992 to present Ohio Chapter of the National Association for Pediatric Nursing Practitioners and Nurses
1991 to present Ohio NAPNAP, Previous Officer, and Professional Educator
1991 to present National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Selected Presentations
Schultz, C. & Corte, C. (15 September 2018). Self-cognitions and maladaptive behaviors of youth. Podium
presentation at the 2018 Conference for the Advancement of Nursing Science, State of the Science Congress
on Nursing Research – Precision Health. Washington, D. C.
Schultz, C. M., & Danford, C. A. (4 October 2017). Preschooler’s mental representations and models of food.
Poster presented at the 2017 Conference for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Advanced Methods: Pragmatic Trials Conference. Washington, D. C.
Schultz, C. M., Marvicsin, D., Larson, J., Saint Arnault, D., Gelman, S., & Danford, C. A. (11 March 2015).
Giving children a voice: Exploring preschool-age children’s beliefs about eating. Poster
presented at the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (NAPNAP), 36th Annual Conference.
Las Vegas, Nevada. Awarded 2015 NAPNAP Research Poster Award.
Schultz, C. M., Danford, C. A., Rosenblum, K., Miller, A., & Lumeng, J. C. (31 July 2014). Causes and ways to
prevent childhood overweight: What mothers have to say. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Pediatric
Nursing Conference, National Harbor, Maryland. (First place poster award).