UHP Mentorship Program

two students point at word

The Urban Health Program (UHP) Pilot Mentorship Program is a 12-week program that allows students the opportunity to receive informal group style mentoring

Students are highly encouraged to participate from all three of UIC Nursing’s campuses with pre-licensure programs – Chicago, Springfield and Urbana. Students complete an application for participation, which includes a statement of interest and reasons why they wanted to participate.

How It Works Heading link

Diverse group of students stand in front of wall with words

Students are divided into groups and participate in 90-minute Zoom sessions led by a faculty or staff facilitator. Each session starts with a didactic component, a group discussion of the topic area, and a brief writing exercise meant to solidify the information and to engage students in understanding what they personally need to increase their success in the nursing program.

The following are examples of weekly topics:

  • Orientation and Struggle is a part of the journey to success
  • The unwritten “rule book” of success in higher education
  • Mentorship: Finding a mentor and being a good mentee
  • Building a growth mindset
  • Micro-aggressions: Their influences on stress and academic performance
  • Persistence in the face of adversity
  • How you say it matters: Principles of communication across difference

Tentative Dates

January 27- April 25, 2025 (No sessions during Spring Break)

Application Process

Current UIC Nursing and Pre-Nursing students can apply to participate. Space may be limited, so we encourage students to submit their applications no later than January 1st.

For questions and to learn more about the program, please contact Charese Smith at cjacks4@uic.edu.