A round-up of honors, awards and other exciting professional news about students, faculty and staff of the UIC College of Nursing.

To submit news about achievements, e-mail Jennifer Samples.

February 2025 Heading link


A manuscript co-written by professor Pamela Martyn-Nemeth, PhD, RN, FAHA, FPCNA, FAAN, was referenced in the 2025 ADA Standards of Medical Care, published annually by the American Diabetes Association.


Associate director of advising Heather Sadilek has been named an “Advisor on Fire” for February by the UIC Office for Advising Development, which says the honor recognizes academic advisors “who are lighting the way with their red-hot achievements.”

January 2025 Heading link


HR associates Rafat Adewusi and Quinatzi Gonzalez earned the certification to deliver Mental Health First Aid, making them a resource for faculty and staff who believe they are developing a mental health problem.

December 2024 Heading link


Pamela Pearson, DNP ’18, CNM, FACNM, clinical assistant professor and director of the nurse-midwifery program, was selected as one of the Chicago Defender’s 2025 Women of Excellence.


Melissa Carlucci, DNP, MS ’10, APRN, FAANP, clinical associate professor and DNP program director, was elected to the board of directors of the Illinois Sleep Society.


Clinical assistant professors Afrodita Salievska, DNP, FNP-BC, and Susan Tracy, DNP ’23, RN, have been selected as 2025 Nurse Educator Fellows by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE).


Krista Jones, DNP ’11, MSN ’07, RN, PHNA-BC, FAAN, Urbana campus director and the Jean C. Stout Endowed Faculty Scholar, was selected for induction as a Distinguished Faculty Scholar Fellow of the National Academies of Practice. Laura Monahan, director of the Rockford campus, was accepted as a professional member.


Associate professor Anne Fink, PhD ’11, MS ’08, RN, CNE, FAHA, and assistant professor Jennifer Maffucci, EdD, RN, ACNS-BC, were selected by their peers to receive the 2025 Teaching Recognition Program Award.

November 2024 Heading link


Director of enrollment strategy Sean Boettcher was selected by AACN to serve on the NursingCAS Advisory Group. Nursing CAS is the Centralized Application Service for Nursing that provides accredited nursing colleges a free, robust admissions platform.


Clinical associate professor Shannon D. Simonovich, PhD, RN, was appointed associate director of the Midwest Nursing History Research Center.


School Nurse Certificate program director Eileen Moss, DNP ’19, MS ’11, RN, PEL-CSN, NCSN, was installed as president of the Illinois Association of School Nurses.


Associate professor Shannon Halloway, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA, received the Marie Cowan Award from the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing.


Alumna and professor emerita Holli Devon, PhD ’02, MS ’82, received the Katheryn A. Lembright Award and Lecture from the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing.


Clinical associate professor Liz Aquino, PhD, RN, associate dean for Academic Affairs, was appointed to a four-year term on the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

October 2024 Heading link


Several UIC Nursing faculty members have received recent federal, state or association awards. They include:


Suzanne Phipps, a DNP student in the psychiatric-mental health NP specialty, has been accepted to the prestigious Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Minority Fellowship Program for 2024-25. The fully funded fellowship aims to reduce health disparities and improve behavioral health outcomes for underserved racial and ethnic populations.


Associate professor Rosalba Hernandez, PhD, associate dean for equity and inclusion, was elected as a fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA).


Professor Pamela Martyn-Nemeth, PhD, RN, FAHA, FPCNA, FAAN, and her team received the Journal of Psychosomatic Research’s Editor’s Choice Award.

September 2024 Heading link


Heather M. Sadilek, LPC, associate director of advising, received fall 2024 SAC Professional Development Award.


Professor Judith M. Schlaeger, PhD, CNM, LAc, FACNM, FAAN, received the 2024 UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Researcher Award.


Professor Barbara McFarlin, PhD, CNM, RDMS, FACNM, FAAN, received the UIC College of Nursing’s 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award.


Professor and Urbana campus director Krista Jones, DNP, MSN, RN, PHNA-BC, FAAN, was named the inaugural Jean C. Stout Endowed Faculty Scholar.


Administrative assistant Alisha Turner from the Springfield campus received this year’s STAR Award–given to nursing staff members who have consistently excelled in their position and made outstanding contributions in the area of service and dedication to UIC College of Nursing.

August 2024 Heading link


Assistant professor Mary Hannan, PhD, APRN, was awarded a K23 from NINR for her project entitled, “An intervention to reduce sedentary behavior for Black adults with chronic kidney disease: RESET-CKD.”


Assistant professor Denise Kent, PhD, APRN, received an American Lung Association Grant: ALA-ACRC- Early Career Investigator Grant for her project, “REturning Computed tomography rEsults to actIVE Lung Health Cohort participants (RECEIVE).”


Ardith Doorenbos, PhD, RN, FAAN, Harriet H. Werley Endowed Chair for Nursing Research, received a Department of Defense Clinical Exploration Award for a Chronic Pain Management Research Program, which will investigate the use of complementary and integrative health therapies compared to conventional chronic pain therapies among active duty service members.

July 2024 Heading link


Anjali Pinto, a student in the MSN/graduate-entry program, is one of just 26 Chicagoland students selected for the distinguished Schweitzer Fellowship in 2024-2025.

June 2024 Heading link


Associate professor Mary Dawn Koenig, PhD, RN, CNM, was inducted as a Fellow of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses. She was also appointed to an at-large director position on AWHONN’s Board of Directors.


Clinical associate professor Catherine Yonkaitis, DNP ’17, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC, was inducted into the National Academy of School Nursing.


PhD student Eric Peprah Osei received the 2024 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Next Generation Scholarship from the Illinois Nurses Foundation.

May 2024 Heading link


Associate professor Mary Dawn Koenig, PhD, RN, CNM, received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the American College of Nurse Midwives.


Erika Boyko, MEd, was promoted to the position of Director of Academic and Student Affairs for the Office of Academic Engagement and Student Success (OAESS).


Associate professor Janna Stephens, PhD, RN, was appointed Ambassador of the Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research (FNINR).


Administrative assistant Alisha Turner, Springfield campus, received the 2024 STAR Award – an annual recognition of staff members who have consistently excelled in their position.


Pamela Martyn-Nemeth, PhD, RN, FAHA, FPCNA, FAAN, professor and PhD program director, received the 2023-24 Graduate Mentoring Award for Life and Health Sciences from the UIC Graduate College


Madison Goodyke, a PhD student, received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research for the 2023-2024 academic year.


Siomara Sotelo, DNP ’24, received the college’s 2024 Cardew-Mullane Award in Clinical Excellence and Leadership.


Seo Yoon Lee, PhD ’24, received the college’s 2024 Graduating Student Recognition Award.


Two students were selected to receive the 2024 Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Chapter Graduating Student Awards: Kevin Popoca, BSN ’24, received the Undergraduate Student Award, and Rebecca Philips, DNP ’24, received the Graduate Student Award.


Ji Young Seo, DNP ’24, received the Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science Superior Academic Achievement Award for 2024.


Hiral Parikh, DNP ’24, received the Department of Population Health Nursing Science Superior Academic Achievement Award for 2024.


Rebecca Phillips, DNP ’24, received the Department of Human Development Nursing Science Superior Academic Achievement Award for 2024.


Jill Chokshi, DNP ’24, was selected to deliver the student remarks at the College of Nursing 2024 commencement ceremony on May 2.


Lilly Kazuha Sato, BSN ’24, was selected to sing “America, the Beautiful,” at the college’s 2024 commencement ceremony on May 2.


Leta Vega, DNP, MS ’03, an instructor in the RN-BSN program, was selected by students to receive the 2024 Silver Circle Award for Teaching Excellence

April 2024 Heading link


The following PhD students are 2024 recipients of the UIC Chancellor’s Student Service Award:

  • Rita Omuero
  • Thanakrit Jeamjitvibool
  • Thitinan Duangjina
  • Phiset Khueanthong

DNP student Meg Tomlins was awarded second place in the evidence-based practice poster awards at the International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses (ISPN). Meg’s poster was titled “Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the COPE Program to Reduce Anxiety and Depression: Group Therapy in a School Setting.” Cheers also go out to alum Chris O’Brien, DNP ’23, who was awarded first place in competition for his poster, “Unveiling the Invisible Wounds: Exploring Racial Trauma Through Evidence-Based Assessments.” Both presenters’ posters were based on the work they completed for their UIC Nursing DNP projects.


Professor Susan L. Dunn, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, will be inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame.


Clinical associate professor M. Cecilia Wendler, PhD, RN, NE-BC, will receive the 2024 College of Nursing Distinguished Mentor of Faculty Award.

March 2024 Heading link


Nursing collegiate professor Ardith Doorenbos, PhD, RN, FAAN, was selected the 2023 UIC Distinguished Researcher in Clinical Sciences.


Assistant professor Natasha Crooks, PhD, RN, was selected the 2023 UIC Rising Star in Clinical Sciences.

February 2024 Heading link


Assistant professor Onome Henry Osokpo, PhD, MSc., MSN, RN, received this year’s Janet A. Deatrick Award for Assistant Professors.

January 2024 Heading link


Clinical assistant professor Paige Ricca, DNP, MBA, RN, and professor Rosalba Hernandez, PhD, associate dean for Equity and Inclusion, will receive funding from the American Nurses Association (ANA) National Commission to End Racism in Nursing.

December 2023 Heading link


Clinical assistant professor Pamela Smith, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB; teaching assistant professor Dawn Sarginson, PhD, RN, CNE; and clinical assistant professor Amy Johnson, PhD, RN, were selected as Nurse Educator Fellows by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE).


DNP student Allison Clark Young, MS ’15, was selected as a Health Advocacy Scholar with the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.


PhD student Seo Yoon Lee received the UIC Graduate College’s prestigious Award for Graduate Research for their dissertation, “The Patient-Level Nursing Cost Estimation and Associated Factors.”


PhD student Sirinan Prakot received the UIC Graduate College’s prestigious Award for Graduate Research for their dissertation, “Understanding HIV Self-testing Preferences Among Key Populations in Thailand Using a Discrete Choice Experiment Methodology.”


Professor and Schwartz Lab director Katie Vanderzwan, DNP, APRN, CHSE, was selected for the 2023-24 Teaching Recognition Program.

November 2023 Heading link


UIC Nursing writer Deb Soriano was awarded a Best of CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) District V Award in the “profile (less than 1,000 words)” category for her story on Victoria Venable Fletcher’s gift to the college.


Associate professor Wendy Bostwick, PhD, MPH, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Guttmacher Institute – a research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide.


Visiting clinical associate Gloria E. Barrera, RN-BSN program co-director, was elected as Executive Board Member, Secretary, of ANA-Illinois. Berrera was also named the 2023 Nurse Influencer of the Year award recipient by ANA-Illinois.

October 2023 Heading link


Professor and AG-ACNP program director Leah Burt, PhD APRN ANP-BC CHSE, received the 2023 Emerging Leader (Rising Start) Award from the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine.


Professor Natasha Crooks,  PhD, RN,  received funding from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities for her R01, “A Family-based HIV Prevention Program for Black Men to Protect Black Girls.”

September 2023 Heading link


Clinical associate professor Gwyneth Franck, PhD, RN, MPH, director of the Midwest Nursing History Research Center, received the 2023 Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Emerging Global Engagement Faculty Leader Award.


PhD student Suchanart Inwanna received the 2023 Versiti Community Impact Scholarship, designed to invest in the next generation of diverse leaders in health care.


Associate dean for administration Jon Morelos received UIC’s Award of Merit, which recognize outstanding civil service and academic professional employees who exhibit excellence in service, commitment and dedication.

August 2023 Heading link


Teaching assistant professor Alisha Betka, DNP, MSN/Ed, RN, CHSE, visiting clinical instructor Stacy Arriola, MS, RN, CNE, and sim lab coordinator Myralyn Ortiz, MSN, RN received 2023 DAISY Awards.

July 2023 Heading link


PhD student Enuma Onyiapat was a recipient of the 2023 Alice J. Dan Dissertation Award for their dissertation, “Roles of Nigerian Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT).”

May 2023 Heading link


Clinical assistant professor Kirby Adlam, PhD, and assistant professor Kylea Liese, PhD, CNM, were inducted as fellows in the American College of Nurse-Midwives.


Candice Harlan, business manager at Rockford campus, received the college’s 2023 STAR Award for outstanding staff.


PhD student and UI Health midwife Karie Stewart was awarded the Excellence in Leadership and Innovation Award (Formerly known as the Kitty Ernst Award) from the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

March 2023 Heading link


Edward C. Drogos, director of administrative operations, and Larisa A. Burke, senior research specialist, are recipients of the 2023 Alvie Griffin Bailey Award for exceptional performance.


Population health DNP student Cindy Cruz, BSN, RN, CMSRN, received the Mary Kelly Mullane Award for Clinical Excellence from the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma International.


Clinical associate professor Susan M. Walsh, DNP, APRN, PNP-PC, received the Beverly McElmurry Award for contributions to global health from the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma International.


DNP program director Melissa Carlucci, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, received a Nursing Recognition Award from the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma International.

2018 - 2022 Heading link



Associate professor Judith Schlaeger, PhD, CNM, LAc, FACNM, FAAN, is the recipient of the 2022 MNRS Symptom Science RIG Mid-Career Award.



Clinical assistant professor Rebecca Vortman, DNP, RN, CNOR, was elected to the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) 2022-23 Board of Directors


Clinical assistant professor Mary McNamara, DNP, APRN, CNP, was chosen as a 2022 Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.


Clinical assistant professor Rebecca Singer, DNP, RN, was elected President-Elect of the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health & Social Justice – formerly the American Othopsychiatric Association.



Visiting clinical instructor Cathy Leipold, MS, received the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award from the Urbana graduating BSN class.


Business manager Allison Bundy received the Staff Excellence Award from the Urbana graduating BSN class.



Ashley Melvin, a DNP student in the adult-gerontology primary care program, has received a grant from the Geriatric Advanced Practice Nurses Association to support her DNP project, titled, “Adopting a patient-centered fall prevention program for the nursing home setting.”


Tina Kavukattu, assistant director of the Global Health Leadership Office, received the 2022 UIC College of Nursing STAR Award, which recognizes exemplary employee contributions to the college.


Jackie Bertucci, business administrative associate, received the 2022 UIC College of Nursing STAR Award, which recognizes exemplary employee contributions to the college.


Professor Phoenix Matthews, PhD, associate dean for equity and inclusion, received the 2022 UIC College of Nursing Julie & Mark Zerwic Diversity Award.


Clinical assistant professor Karen Cotler, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, director of the Family Nurse Practitioner Specialty Program, received the 2022 UIC College of Nursing Judith Lloyd Storjfell Distinguished Award for Scholarly Practice.


Research assistant professor Alana Steffen, PhD, received the 2022 UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Researcher Award.


Professor Crystal L. Patil, PhD, head of the Department of Human Development Nursing Science, received the 2022 UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Mentor of Faculty Award.


Clinical assistant professor Gina Juliano, DNP, APRN, CPNP, IBCLC, received the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International’s 2022 Mary Kelly Mullane Award for Clinical Excellence.


Clinical assistant professor Gwyneth Milbrath, PhD, RN, MPH, received the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International’s 2022 Beverly McElmurry Award for contributions to global health.


Clinical assistant professor Susan Vonderheid, PhD, RN, received the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International’s Nursing Recognition Award.



The Peoria IPE Immersion Day program – organized by Quad Cities campus Director Kathy Sparbel, Urbana campus Director Krista Jones, Springfield campus Director Sara McPherson, and Quad Cities campus office manager Claire DeConte, among others – was selected to receive a 2022 I TEAM Award.



Clinical assistant professor Natacha Pierre and her team, comprised of colleagues from UIC Medicine and UIC Pharmacy, received a HRSA grant for the Midwest Integration of the National HIV Curriculum.


UIC Nursing-Rockford campus director Kelly Rosenberger, clinical professor Valerie Gruss and clinical professor Janet Thorlton secured a $3.1 million HRSA grant to fund the Enhancing Nursing Education and Retention by Initiation of Care Delivered by Mobile Health Clinics (ENRICH) project.



Assistant professor Hongjin Li, PhD, MS, BSN, was awarded a new R34 thru the National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health, entitled “Feasibility of Implementing Acupuncture into a Federally Qualified Health Center to Alleviate Multiple Symptoms Among Breast Cancer Survivors Receiving Endocrine therapy.” Her multidisciplinary co-investigative team include:

  • Ardith Doorenbos, professor and Harriet H. Werley Endowed Chair for Nursing Research, Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science, UIC College of Nursing;
  • Judith Schlaeger, associate professor, Department of Human Development Nursing Science, UIC College of Nursing;
  • Crystal Patil, professor, head of Department of Human Development Nursing Science, UIC College of Nursing;
  • Oana Danciu, associate professor, Division of Hematology & Oncology, UIC College of Medicine; and
  • Zhengjia Chen, associate professor, UIC School of Public Health; director of Biostatistics Shared Resource Core, UI Cancer Center.



PhD student Sabrina Jamal-Eddine received a 2022-2023 Dissertation Research Grant from the UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP).


PhD student Madi Goodyke received a competitive travel award from the Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Council of the American Heart Association for expenses to attend the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions.



Clinical assistant professor Robin Johnson, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, received a 2022-23 Teaching Recognition Program award from the UIC Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence.


Assistant professor Randi Singer, PhD, CNM, received the Emerging Researcher Award from the American Public Health Association’s section of Public Health Nurses. This is awarded to only one researcher each year at the annual APHA meeting.


Assistant professor Kylea Liese, PhD, CNM, and professor Crystal Patil, PhD, were awarded the 2022 Hillman Emergent Innovation Program for their proposal entitled, “Yurok NET Wellness: A Culturally Congruent, Nursing-Driven, Village-Centered Model to Treat Trauma for Wellness Court Clients.”



PhD student Feyi Sangoleye’s abstract titled, “Student Persistence in Baccalaureate Nursing Programs” has been selected for Poster presentation to the Midwest Nursing Research Society 2021 Annual Research Conference as a Distinguished Abstract. Cherdsak Duangchan’s abstract titled, “Application of Ferrans et al.’s Conceptual Model of Health-Related Quality of Life: A Systematic Review” has been selected for Poster presentation to the Midwest Nursing Research Society 2021 Annual Research Conference as a Distinguished Abstract.



Associate professor Judy Schlaeger, PhD, CNM, LAc, FAAN, will be inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Nurse Midwives (FACNM) in May 2021.


Program advisor Charese Smith, assistant director for the Urban Health Program, has been selected for the 2021 Professional Staff Leadership Academy.


Post-doctoral Geriatric Fellow and UIC Nursing alum Youngkwan Song, PhD ’20, was awarded a $50,000 UIC Phase I Proof of Concept Award for a proposal entitled “Chameleon-Inspired Pressure Sensor for Preventing Medical Device-Related Pressure Injury,” submitted with collaborators Dr. Alexander Yarin of the UIC Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and UIC Nursing professor Valerie Gruss.


Visiting clinical instructor Alisha Betka and clinical assistant professor Sara McPherson have been selected as Nurse Educator Fellows by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.



PhD student Jennifer Glayzer received a F31 grant titled “Characterization of Vulvodynia and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Pain in Women.”


Youngkwan Song, PhD ’20, received a PhD student Poster Award from the Midwest Nursing Research Society.


Clinical assistant professor Kathryn Julia Vanderzwan, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, was awarded a Research Fellowship by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning.


The following students are Sigma – Alpha Lambda Chapter funding awardees for research and evidence-based practice projects in 2021:

  • Jinghua An
  • Madison Buursma (Goodyke)
  • Minseung Chu
  • Jennifer Glayzer
  • Hyungkyung Kim
  • Sungwon Park
  • Celeste Schultz

Clinical assistant professor Becca Vortman will receive the Outstanding Achievement in Perioperative Education Award from the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses for her outstanding contribution to perioperative nursing.


Clinical assistant professor Randi Singer co-authored a textbook, “Clinician’s Guide to LGBTQIA+ Care,” which was recently published by Springer Publishing.


Visiting teaching associate Stacy Arriola, MS, RN, received Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International’s 2021 Mary Kelly Mullane Award for Clinical Excellence.


Charisse Franklin, executive director of practice and partnerships, and Allison Bundy, business director for the Urbana Campus, received the 2021 Alvie Griffin Bailey Award for exceptional performance.



PhD student Jennifer Glayzer on the receipt of the Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Award from Rockefeller University.


Clinical assistant professor Pam Pearson, DNP, CNM, RN, received the 2021 ACNM Excellence in Teaching Award.


Alysha Hart, PhD ’20, APRN, NP-C, postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Population Health Nursing Science, is the recipient of the annual UIC College of Nursing Julie & Mark Zerwic Diversity Award.


PhD student Jinghua An won the Reflections in Global Health Essay Contest at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health’s 12th Annual Conference.



Clinical professor Geraldine Gorman, RN, PhD, is the 2021 recipient of the Public Health Nurse Creative Achievement Award from the Public Health Nursing Section of the American Public Health Association.


Kelly Rosenberger is a member of the interprofessional team steering the Rural Health Professions Program at UIC’s Rockford campus. That team has been recognized with an I-TEAM Award from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs at UIC.


Five UIC Nursing PhD students will receive the UIC Graduate College’s Award for Graduate Research (AGR). The students are: Annanda Batista, Cherdsak Duangchan, Sueyeon Lee, Asha Solomon Sathishkumar and Choa Sung.


PhD student Heather Nimmagada was named a 2021-2023 Veteran’s Health Scholar by the Jonas Foundation.



PhD student Jennifer Glayzer received a grant titled “Characterization of Vulvodynia and Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes/Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders Pain in Females” from the Ehlers-Danlos Society.


Associate professor and MNHRC Director Gwyneth Milbrath, PhD, RN, MPH, received a University of Illinois System’s Presidential Initiative: Expanding the Impact of the Arts and Humanities Research Award.


Clinical assistant professor and PhD program Director Colleen Corte, PhD, RN, FAAN, received the 2021 Betty Ford Award from AMERSA.


PhD student Madison Buursma received her F31 grant titled “Perceived Social Support, Heart Rate Variability, and Hopelessness in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease.”


Clinical assistant professor Karen Cotler, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, was awarded a $1.8 million HRSA grant entitled Integrated Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Training Program.


PhD student Asha Mathew Solomon Sathishkumar’s proposal “Symptom Cluster Experiences in Oral Cancer Using Mixed Methods” has been selected to receive the 2021 Sigma/Midwest Nursing Research Society Research grant.


Rockford Campus director and clinical assistant professor Kelly Rosenberg, DNP, APRN, CNM, WHNP-BC, FAANP, and clinical associate professor Valerie Gruss, PhD, APRN, CNP-BC, FAAN, secured a $2.2 million HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Program grant entitled INcreaSing Program DIveRsity for NursEs (INSPIRE).


PhD students Tiffany Reed and Harrell Jordan will receive the UIC Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship award.



Assistant professor Sarah Martha received her K23 grant titled “Lipidomics in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Relationship to Symptoms and Outcomes.”


Assistant professor Kylea Liese received her PCORI grant titled “Black midwives for Black women: Maternity care to improve trust and attenuate structural racism.”


Visiting instructor of clinical nursing Jennifer Maffucci, clinical assistant professor Barbara Meagher and clinical associate professor Janet Thorlton have been appointed to the advisory group for the ANA-Illinois Expert Panel on Nursing Education.


Clinical professor and Executive Associate Dean Susan Corbridge, PhD, APRN, FAANP, FCCP, FAAN, has been selected as a 2021-2022 President’s Executive Leadership Program (PELP) Fellow.


Alumna an adjunct clinical instructor Terese Knake and clinical assistant professor Jacqueline Wolak Shanks received the ANA Illinois 40 Under 40 Emerging Nurse Leader Award.


Program student advisor Monique Williams received a Springfield Business Journal 2021 40 Under 40 Award.


Clinical assistant professor and AG-PCNP Program Director Leah Burt, PhD, APRN, ANP-BC, has been selected as a 2021-22 Fellow by the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM).



Clinical professor Laurie Quinn, PhD, RN, CDE, FAHA, FAAN; associate professor Ulf Bronas, PhD, ATC, ATR, FSVM, FAHA; and associate professor Cynthia Fritschi, PhD, RN, APRN, CDE, were selected for the 2021 DPI Science Team award.


Teaching associate Alisha Carter, MSN,RN, and clinical instructor Jennifer Maffucci, EdD, RN, ACNS-BC, were among 19 instructors statewide selected as 2021-22 Nurse Educator Fellows by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.


DNP student Kimberly Bertini, director of nursing excellence and Magnet Program director at UI Health, was one of 28 people to receive the University of Illinois’ Presidential Medallion on Aug. 23.  The medallion is the highest honor the system president can bestow. Kimberly was honored for her involvement in UIC’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials and vaccine deployment.



Director of finance Brian Weaver received the UIC Award of Merit — a university-wide honor recognizing an outstanding academic professional or civil service employee who exhibits service, commitment and dedication to UIC.



Clinical assistant professor Ruth Woroch, DNP, FNP-BC, achieved status as a Certified Health Care Simulation Educator.



Adjunct clinical instructor Christine Wetzel has been named as the National Magnet Nurse of the Year for “New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements” by the American Nurses Credentialing Center..



PhD student Sueyeon Lee has received the Provost’s Graduate Research Award from the Graduate College at the University of Illinois Chicago.


PhD student Swaty Chapagai has also received the Award for Graduate Research from the Graduate College at the University of Illinois Chicago.


PhD student Jeehye Jun has received the Award for Graduate Research from the Graduate College at the University of Illinois Chicago.


PhD student Susan Kilroy was named a Seth and Denise Rosen awardee for a project entitled “Identifying Factors that Contribute to Health Care Professionals’ Perceptions of Collaborative Practice Behaviors, Interprofessional Teams and Enhanced Patient Care, after attending an Interprofessional American Heart Association (ACLS or PALS) Course. A Mixed Methods Explanatory Design.”

PhD student Preeyakamon Krikitrat was named a Seth and Denise Rosen awardee for a project entitled “Thai Fathers’ Self-Efficacy to Support Exclusive Breastfeeding.”

PhD student Min Jung Kim was named a Seth and Denise Rosen awardee for a project entitled “Relationships Between Executive Function and Self-Management Behaviors of Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.”

PhD student Priyoth Kittiteerasack was named a Seth and Denise Rosen awardee for a project entitled “Suicidality in Thai LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Adults.”

PhD student Fatimah Abudayah was named a College of Nursing Doctoral Alumni Research awardee for a project entitled “African Americans with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: An insight to Health-Related Quality of Life and Frailty based on renal function.”

PhD student Elizabeth Rios was named a College of Nursing Doctoral Alumni Research awardee for a project entitled “Psychosocial factors that may influence the development of Type 2 diabetes among Mexican immigrant and Mexican-American women living in the United States.”

PhD student Youngkwan Song was named a College of Nursing Doctoral Alumni Research awardee for a project entitled “Development of a Clinical Assessment Rubric for Affective Domain Critical Competencies in New Graduate Nurses.”

Clinical assistant professor Karen Cotler was accepted into the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Faculty Leadership Mentoring Program for 2020-2021.

Associate Dean for Research Eileen Collins was named winner of the American Thoracic Society’s 2020 Elizabeth Rich Award.


PhD students Swaty Chapagai and Manassawee Srimoragot were awarded 2019-20 Chicago Consular Corps scholarships.

Adjunct faculty Eileen Moss and clinical professor Martha Bergren will receive The Journal of School Nursing/SAGE Publication Award at the National Association for School Nurse Conference for their publication, School Nurse Websites; What Do They Tell Us About School Nurses?

PhD student Glorieuse Uwizeye has been awarded a highly prestigious, three-year postdoctoral fellowship in the Dartmouth Society of Fellows. She has successfully defended her dissertation and will begin her fellowship in September.


PhD student Youngkwan Song will receive a $25,000 UIC Chancellor’s Translational Research Initiative (CTRI) Award for a proposal entitled Development of Pressure-Indicating Film for Application to Medical Devices.

Clinical assistant professor and DNP program director Lauren Diegel-Vacek and adjunct clinical assistant professor Carolyn Dickens were named to the 2020 class of fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. They are the only two NPs in Illinois to be inducted this year.

Erica Boyko, associate director of academic operations; Claire DeConte, office manager of the Quad Cities campus; Eric McMinoway, associate director of data analytics in the Dean’s Office; and Beverly Paulsey, administrative assistant in the Department of Women, Children and Family Health Sciences received the Alvie Griffin Bailey Award, which was established in honor of Alvie Griffin Bailey who loyally served the College of Nursing for 21 years. The award recognizes dedication, efficiency, enthusiasm, sensitivity to peers, students, faculty and visitors, loyalty, sound judgment, friendly attitude, flexibility, and more.

Clinical professor Martha Bergren will receive the 2020 Penn State Shirley Novosel Distinguished Nursing Alumni Award. The annual award is presented by the Penn State Nursing Alumni Society to recognize an alumnus/alumna who exemplifies the spirit of nursing and the Penn State College of Nursing’s ideals and philosophy.

Clinical associate professor and Urbana Campus Director Krista Jones received a U.S. National Library of Medicine Greater Midwest Region Award to fund for a research project, entitled Nursing Experts: Translating the Evidence Phase 3 (NExT3).


PhD student Min Jung Kim will receive a grant from the Roybal Center for her project, Cognitive Function and Self-Management in Type 2 Diabetes.

Two UIC Nursing PhD students received the Award for Graduate Research from the UIC Graduate College. Hyungkyung Kim received an award for her project, The effect of maternal cognitive function on mother-infant interaction in the presence of postnatal depressive or anxiety symptoms, and Sungwon Park received an award for her project, Factors Influencing Adherence to Health Behaviors Recommended by Metabolic Syndrome Management Program.

Clinical associate professor Krista Jones, director at UIC Nursing-Urbana, was elected president of the Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. She will serve two years as president-elect, two years as president and two years as past president.

Associate professor Patricia Hershberger received the MNRS 2020 Distinguished Service Award. The award was established to recognize a leader who demonstrates dedicated service and commitment to the Midwest Nursing Research Society and the field of nursing research.

Associate professor Kamal Eldeirawi received the Mid-Career Investigator Award from the Pediatric Research Interest Group at the Midwest Nursing Research Society’s annual conference.


PhD student Glorieuse Uwizeye has received the 2020 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research. Award selection is based on evidence of superior performance in translating research into practice, performance in the PhD program, scholarly publications and/or presentations.

Assistant professor Sarah Abboud has been named the UIC Honors College 2019-2020 Fellow of the Year.

The following students are 2020 recipients of the UIC Chancellor’s Student Service Award:

  • Victoria Crowley
  • Anna Galang
  • Kendall Hastings
  • Hyungkyung Kim
  • Katie Liu
  • Jennifer Neely
  • Nancy Vuong

Catherine Tran received a 2020 UIC Eugertha Bates Memorial Award, which honors “caring dedication, selfless commitment and a truly exceptional humanitarian contribution to the needs of others.”

Gianna Mae Tan has been recognized for her student leadership by being inducted into the UIC Activities Honorary Society.

Clinical associate professor Krista Jones, director of the UIC College of Nursing-Urbana Campus, was selected to participate in the 2020-2021 cohort of AACN’s Elevating Leaders in Academic Nursing Program.


PhD student Hagar Hallihan will receive the Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship. The goal of DFI is to increase the number of minority full-time tenure track faculty and staff at Illinois’ two- and four-year, public and private colleges and universities.

Clinical associate professor Marsha Snyder was awarded the Education Award from the International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses.

Clinical instructor Megan Tress and retired prof Donna Calvin were honored among Crain’s 2020 Notable Health Care Heroes for their contributions in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

DNP student Kawana Tharps, PhD student Sabrina Jamal-Eddine, BSN student Esmeralda Beltran and non-degree student Jessica Perez have been awarded UIC’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship. The award was established in 1985 to recognize underrepresented students who have demonstrated high academic achievement and have shown a commitment to civil rights and social justice through community service.

Alum Priyoth Kittiteerasack, PhD ’20, has been selected to attend the Fogarty International Center Stigma Research Training Institute on the NIH campus, where he will have the opportunity to learn from stigma research experts and network with colleagues in the field.


PhD student Nanyombi Lubimbi was selected for a 2020-21 Fulbright U.S. Student Award to Rwanda. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program of the United States, and Nanyombi will represent the country as a cultural ambassador while she overseas, helps to enhance mutual understanding between Americans and the people in Rwanda.

DNP student Katrina Ferracane has been designated a 2020 Student Scholar by the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

PhD student Youngkwan Song was selected as one of 12 recipients of the 2020 NLN Foundation for Nursing Education Scholarship Award. Youngkwan will be recognized at the virtual NLN Education Summit in September.


PhD student Hagar Hallihan was awarded an NIH/NIAAA T32 Alcohol Research Training in Epigenetics and Pathophysiology (ARTEP) predoctoral fellowship.

PhD student Hyungkyung Kim received a 2020 Laurette Kirstein Scholarship for UIC International Students from the UIC Office of International Services.


Second-year PhD student Asha Solomon is a winner in the Dr. Gary Kruh Cancer Research Virtual Poster Competition, sponsored by the University of Illinois Cancer Center. Her poster is, “Engaging multi-sector stakeholders to enhance support for young breast cancer survivors: Results of a virtual participatory design workshop.” Her advisor is Ardith Doorenbos.

Assistant professor Em Rabelais, PhD, RN, has received, along with their co-organizing colleagues, the 2020 Global Hero Award from GLMA Nursing: Nurses Advancing LGBTQ Health Equality.

UIC Nursing clinical professor emerita Martha Dewey Bergren, DNS, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC, FNASN, FASHA, FAAN, has been named the executive editor of the Journal of School Nursing.


PhD student Sungwon Park was recently selected for a James Keogh Scholarship from the American Public Health Association. She was one of only 10 students selected from throughout the U.S. in recognition of their leadership in the field of occupational health & safety. Her dissertation co-chairs are Laurie Quinn and Carol Ferrans.

Associate professor of epidemiology Kamal Eldeirawi, PhD, RN, received the Muslims Making Change: National Honors award during a virtual celebration organized by national civil rights organization Muslim Advocates. Eldeirawi was recognized as a National Honoree for Covid Response.


Jackie Velasquez
, a junior in the BSN program, received the Destino Award from the UIC Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services Program (LARES).

Recent graduate Katherine Maki, PhD ’20, received the Martha Hill Early Career Investigator Award from the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. Her PhD advisor was Anne Fink.


Assistant professor Sarah Abboud, PhD, RN, was selected as a 2020-21 Teaching Recognition Program award winner.

Clinical assistant professor Denise Kent’s essay on teaching innovations has been included in the UIC Innovations in Online Teaching Spotlight.

Recent graduate Katherine Maki, PhD ’20, was selected to receive the competitive Outstanding Thesis/Dissertation Award from the UIC Graduate College for her dissertation entitled “Cardiovascular and Gut Microbiome Responses to Sleep Disruption in Rats.” Her dissertation advisor was Anne Fink.

PhD student Jinghua An was selected to receive the UIC Graduate College’s Award for Graduate Research for her work entitled, “Delayed Presentation for Symptomatic Breast Cancer in China”. Her advisor is Carol Ferrans.

PhD student Whiphawadee Potisopha, was selected to receive the UIC Graduate College’s Award for Graduate Research for her work entitled, “Understanding Treatment-Seeking Decisions in Acute Stroke Survivors in Thailand. Her advisor is Patricia Hershberger.

PhD student Min Young Jung received the UIC Provost’s Graduate Research Award for her work entitled “Family Caregiver Communication and Decision Making in End-of-Life Care Settings.” Her advisor is Phoenix Matthews.

PhD student Manassawee Srimoragot received the UIC Provost’s Graduate Research Award for her work entitled “Sleep and Risks for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) among Asian Women.” Her advisor is Bilgay Balserak.


Katie Corboy, director of special events, was awarded the 2019 Alvie Bailey Award, which is given yearly to a college staff member who exemplifies leadership, commitment, collaboration and excellence in their work.


On March 8, professor Em Rabelais received the Janet A. Deatrick Junior Faculty Research Award.

On March 8, professor Phoenix Matthews received the UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Researcher Award.

Seven faculty, postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students received funding awards from the college’s Alpha Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International in recognition of their research and evidence-based practice projects for academic year 2018-2019. They are:

  • Leah Burt
  • Kelsey Deegan
  • Susan Kilroy
  • Min Kyeng Jang
  • Ting-Ti Lin
  • Karyn Roberts
  • Youngkwan Song

PhD student Kelly Lankin received a grant from the Society of Pediatric Nurses for her dissertation study dissertation entitled, “Supporting families through the acute phase of the pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant experience: Perspectives from parents and nurses.” Kelly’s dissertation chair is associate professor Patricia Hershberger.

PhD student Glorieuse Uwizeye was awarded a prestigious Margaret McNamara Education Grant, which support women from developing countries “to help further their education and strengthen their leadership skills to improve the lives of women and children in developing countries.” Her advisor is associate professor Julienne Rutherford.

PhD student Katherine Maki received a grant from Sigma Theta Tau International for her proposal entitled, “Cardiovascular and gut microbiome response to sleep disruption in rats.” Her advisor is assistant professor Anne Fink.


On April 6, clinical associate professor Gerry Gorman received the Spirit of Ignatius Award from the Loyola University Chicago Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing. The award is presented annually to an alumna/us of the who best characterizes “Care of the Person.”

Annanda Batista received a prestigious University Fellowship from the UIC Graduate College.

Five DNP students—Melissa Drish (FNP), Cheryl Ehrler (AGNP),  Carmen Mei (FNP),  Maggie Rooney (FNP) and Patricia Thomas (FNP)were selected to present their DNP projects at the National Evidence-Based Practice Conference at the University of Iowa on Apr. 17-18. Carmen also presented her project at the North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference in Chicago in November 2018.

On April 24, clinical associate professor Martha Dewey Bergren received the inaugural UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Mentor of Faculty Award.

Karen Cotler, clinical assistant professor, was named director of the Family Nurse Practitioner DNP program.


After a highly competitive selection process, Denise Bockwoldt, clinical assistant professor, was invited to join the interprofessional Improving Diagnosis Through Education Learning Collaborative (DxLC), which supports health sciences educators in their efforts to incorporate evidence-based strategies into curricula.

Carol Ferrans, professor in the Department of Biobehavioral Health Science and Harriett H. Werley Endowed Chair in Nursing Research, received the 2019 UIC College of Nursing Distinguished Researcher award – an annual award established to recognize a UIC Nursing faculty member or alumnus who has made an outstanding contribution to nursing science and research.

PhD student Leah Burt has been selected to receive a grant from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners to support her dissertation research on self-explanation and diagnostic reasoning in NP students. Her dissertation chair is executive associate dean Susan Corbridge.

DNP (FNP) students Minseung Chu and Jessica Gill were selected to present their DNP projects at the National LGBTQ Health Conference at Emory University, May 31-June 1.


Clinical assistant professors Robin Shannon and Cathy Yonkaitis received the 2019 Presidential Recognition Award from the National Organization of School Nurses for their efforts in editing the most recent edition of School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text. The textbook is know as the “Bible of school nursing.”

PhD student Youngkwan Song received the Arthur L. Davis Scholarship for Future Nurse Educators from the Illinois Nurses Foundation.

Associate professors Patricia Hershberger and Crystal Patil were inducted as fellows into the Institute of Medicine of Chicago in June.


Dean Terri Weaver received the National Association of Hispanic Nurses President’s Award during the association’s Scholarships and Awards Gala July 19.

Nursing Collegiate Professor Shannon Zenk has been invited to chair the Community Influences on Health Behavior (CIHB) Study Section at NIH starting July 1.

Clare Delaney
, director of student services, has been selected for the University of Illinois System’s Academic Professional Leadership Program, a program that uses the knowledge of university staff, executives, academic theory and practical applications to foster an environment where leaders can emerge. Of 70 applicants from three U of I universities, only 20 individuals were selected for the 2019-20 cohort.


Adjunct clinical instructor Eileen Moss has been chosen to receive the School Nurse Administrator of the Year Award from the Illinois Association of School Nurses.

Associate professor Julienne Rutherford has been asked to serve on the board of directors of Breastfeed Chicago, a nonprofit organization dedicated to education, resources, advocacy and policy supporting breastfeeding across Chicagoland.


Clinical associate professor Valerie Gruss has been selected to receive the Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing award from the National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence.

Associate professor Patricia E. Hershberger has been awarded the Every Woman, Every Baby research grant from the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.

PhD student Harrell Jordan received UIC Nursing’s 2019-20 Marguerite Dixon Award.


Professor Phoenix Matthews received a distinguished alumni award from Muskingum University.

Clinical assistant professor Denise Bockwoldt has been invited to join the National Advisory Council of the National Health Service Corps, a council administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

An innovative mobile app to help users navigate the Alzheimer’s experience, developed by UIC Nursing clinical associate professor Valerie Gruss has received the American Academy of Nursing’s elite Edge Runner distinction.

Charese Jackson
, assistant director for the Urban Health Program, has been named the inaugural recipient of the UIC College of Nursing Julie and Mark Zerwic Diversity Award.


Assistant professor Gabriel Culbert was selected to receive Sigma Theta Tau’s Beverly McElmurry Award.

Clinical assistant professor Angela (Lepkowski) McPhillips was selected to receive Sigma Theta Tau’s Mary Kelly Mullane Award.



PhD student Youngkwan Song received an award for graduate research from the Graduate College at the University of Illinois at Chicago for a project entitled “Preparing the Future Geriatric Homecare Workforce: Impact of an Enhanced Online Education Program on Learner Proficiency.”


Kelly Lankin, PhD Student, received a grant from the Daisy Foundation for her dissertation entitled, “Supporting families through the acute phase of the pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant experience: Perspectives from parents and nurses.” Kelly’s dissertation chair is Patricia Hershberger.

Martha Bergren, clinical associate professor, Colleen Corte, professor and head of HSS, and Lorna Finnegan, executive associate dean, were all inducted into the Institute of Medicine of Chicago on Dec. 12.


Katherine Maki has received a UIC Award for Graduate Research (formerly known as the Provost/Deiss Award) for her project, “Cardiovascular and gut microbiome consequences of sleep disruption in rats.” Her advisor is Anne Fink.

Youngkwan Song and Glorieuse Uwizeye have each received a Provost’s Graduate Research Award.

  • Youngkwan’s project is titled, “Development of a clinical assessment tool for evaluation of critical competencies of new graduate nurses.” His advisor is Linda McCreary.
  • Glorieuse’s project is, “Health outcomes of exposure to extreme stress among Rwandan adults born of genocidal rape.” Her advisor is Julienne Rutherford.

Alysha Hart, PhD student, has received a dissertation grant from the UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy for her proposal entitled, “Examining the experience of African-American surrogate decision-makers for patients with dementia at end of life.”

Holli DeVon, professor and head of the Department of Biobehavioral Health Science, has been awarded the John Nuveen Center International Development Award for Faculty in support of her Rwanda work from the UIC Office of International Affairs.

Youngkwan Song, PhD student, and Jessica Gill, DNP student, have each been awarded the Chicago Consular Corps Scholarship from the UIC Office of International Affairs.


Shannon Zenk
, Nursing Collegiate Professor, was awarded the Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research 2018 President’s Award for her application of “big data” in nursing and healthcare research. She received the award at FNINR’s “NightinGala” on Oct. 31 in Washington, DC.


Sue Littau, director of the Office of Research Facilitation, was selected as a recipient of the 2018 UIC Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence (CAPE) Award, presented to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to UIC and their communities. Littau has overseen the Office of Research Facilitation for 17 years. She will be honored at the UIC Employee Recognition Award Ceremony on Nov. 6.

Dawn Carter
, director of administrative operations in the Department of Health Systems Science, is a recipient of the 2018 UIC Award of Merit. This award is a campuswide honor recognizing academic professional and civil service employees who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all aspects of their work. She will be honored at the UIC Employee Recognition Award Ceremony on Nov. 6.

Valerie Gruss, clinical associate professor in the Department of Biobehavioral Health Science, received the 2018 “Excellence in Education” Award from the national organization Gerontological Advance Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). The award recognizes an individual involved in the teaching and/or design of gerontological nurse practitioner curriculum or course content, which inspires advanced practice students to develop excellence in gerontology. Gruss was honored at an awards luncheon at the GAPNA National Conference on Sept. 29 in Washington, D.C.

Krista Jones, clinical associate professor and director of the college’s Urbana Campus, has been appointed to the 10-member Illinois Nursing Workforce Center Advisory Board. The INWC was established in 2006 as part of an overall strategy to produce more highly-skilled nursing professionals to meet healthcare needs in Illinois.