Admission Requirements

Courses below must be included in the 57 credit hours of college-level coursework required to transfer into the traditional BSN program at UIC. Applicants must have all BSN prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the spring semester before the start of the program.

The UIC’s Office of Admissions offers individual pre-admission counseling appointments to transfer students who may have questions regarding the application and transferability of courses. Please call (312) 996-4350 to schedule an individual appointment .

If courses are taken outside of UIC, use Transferology to determine equivalencies. If you are unsure about whether or not a class is transferable, please e-mail

If you have AP credit, please refer to UIC’s AP Policy on what scores are acceptable for credit. Please send the AP scores from CollegeBoard to UIC.

UIC participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), which is a statewide transfer agreement between more than 100 participating colleges or universities in Illinois. All colleges and universities participating in the IAI agree to accept a “package” of IAI general education courses in lieu of their own comparable lower-division general education requirements.

For information about UIC's College Level Examination Program (CLEP) policy, please visit the UIC CLEP webpage. Please know that UIC College of Nursing will only accept CLEP credit for the General Chemistry and/or Lifespan Development prerequisite courses. Any other CLEP credit may only be accepted as a lower-level elective credit.

Applicants can use this downloadable PowerPoint as a guide to prerequisite information.

UIC Nursing Requirements: Science Heading link

The below requirements apply to students starting the program in Fall 2024 or later.
General Chemistry (lab required) 4-5 hours
Anatomy & Physiology I (lab required) 4-5 hours
Anatomy & Physiology II (lab required) 4-5 hours
Microbiology 3-5 hours

UIC Nursing Requirements: Liberal Arts Heading link

Lifespan Development 3 hours
Statistics 3-4 hours
Nutrition 2-3 hours
Electives** Up to 8 hours

UIC General Education Requirements Heading link

Academic Writing I & II 6 hours
Understanding the Past* 3 hours
Understanding the Creative Arts* 3 hours
Exploring World Cultures* 3 hours
Understanding the Individual & Society (Introduction to Psychology) 3 hours
Understanding U.S. Society (Introduction to Sociology) 3 hours
Total Minimum Hours 57 hours

* UIC students can consult the UIC Catalog for approved courses in each category. Non-UIC students, please use Transferology.

** The number of elective hours will vary according to the number needed to total 57 credit hours after all prerequisite requirements have been met.

Need More Information? Heading link

Submit this form and an Enrollment Advisor will contact you to answer your questions.
