Our Philosophy
Guiding principles of the nurse-midwifery and women's health nurse practitioner programs
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The UIC nurse-midwifery and women’s health nurse practitioner programs educate clinicians to provide comprehensive healthcare by forming partnerships with women and TGNC individuals that emphasize health promotion through education, advocacy, support, and comprehensive healthcare services throughout their lives. Comprehensive healthcare includes primary care and reproductive healthcare services, as well as pregnancy-related care and care for other health- and pregnancy-related problems. Students learn to actively involve people and their families in making choices that optimize health and wellness. This learning process is founded upon a fundamental respect for culture as well as individuality, spirituality and dignity. Physiological and developmental processes throughout the lifespan are supported through education and the appropriate use of technology and healthcare resources.
Our programs recognize that learning is a collaborative process based upon the principles of mutual respect, intellectual curiosity and a commitment to excellence. Students learn to think critically and be self-directed, while taking full advantage of the resources of the faculty, the College of Nursing and the University of Illinois Chicago. Students learn through coursework and clinical experiences that include science and evidence as well as the art and aesthetics of practice.
(Originated and revised: 2/79, 10/83, 9/88, 9/93, 5/94, 11/97, 8/99, 8/02, 6/09, 6/11, 11/21)