The DNP Project

This is where it all comes together. DNP students nearing the end of the program complete a clinical project that demonstrates thorough understanding of evidence-based practice.
The DNP evidence-based practice project reflects the culmination of a student’s academic work for the doctor of nursing practice degree. In completing it, each student demonstrates their ability to translate evidence into practice—to organize, analyze and synthesize a body of knowledge.
Guided by faculty, each student completes the DNP project during the final semesters in the program. It starts by identifying a real problem observed a real clinical setting, and then moves through proposal development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination.
The DNP project synthesizes coursework and practice application, resulting in deliverable products (a poster presentation and final manuscript) reviewed and evaluated by the faculty mentor and other expert members of the student's DNP project team.
While challenging, the DNP project is cited by many students as the highlight of their time in the program.
A few stellar DNP projects from recent students Heading link
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