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Meet Chicago BSN students

Get to know some of the students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at our Chicago campus

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Eva Tejeda

Hometown: Mundelein, Illinois

Expected graduation date  |  May 2024

Why did you want to become a nurse?

I was raised going in and out of the hospital due to my father’s poor health and from a young age I managed his variety of health concerns. Caring for others became a second nature and my experience with my father only fed my interest in science. Nursing combines my love for caring for others and passion for science and medicine perfectly. I look forward to being a nurse that holistically cares for her patients; educates them, provides emotional support for them and can provide care that requires critical thinking.

What do you do for fun outside of school?

I love everything fitness. I’m a boxer and I’m also into weightlifting and running. I prioritize my fitness to find balance as a nursing student between all the labs, lectures, clinicals and studying. I also have a small ministry where I collect donations privately and care for homeless people. I have established relationships with many homeless people in Chicago. Through my donations I get the opportunity to buy them new clothing, winter necessities and groceries. Most importantly they are my pals and I love spending time with them.

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Aqssa Khiyani

Hometown: Skokie, Illinois

Expected graduation date  |  May 2024

Why did you want to become a nurse?

As a nurse, I will be the one who will be creating deep connections with each patient while taking care of them in a vulnerable state. I will be the one empathizing with them and advocating for quality care. I also have a deep passion for education, so as a nurse I will be expanding my knowledge of the needs of those in my community. Lastly, I will have the opportunity to educate my patients about their conditions in a way they understand best, especially children.

What do you do for fun outside of school?

First, I love to cook and bake. Specifically, I love to cook foods from different cultures around the world while adding my own touch to them just to add spice. As a health-conscious individual who loves to eat, I love to re-create desserts into healthy alternatives, sometimes reducing the sugar or replacing all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour. Second, I love to spend time outdoors with my family and friends. I love to go on beautiful hikes, take a walk in the park, or bike in the summer. Lastly, I love to do art, such as henna art and calligraphy even though I may need more practice!

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Nikola Gigovski

Hometown: Crystal Lake, Illinois

Expected graduation date  |  May 2023

Why did you want to become a nurse?

I was originally a pre-med student when I came to UIC. Through all of the volunteering and extracurricular opportunities offered here, I was able to ignite my true passion of bedside care. The following day, I switched my major to pre-nursing and I never looked back!

What else are you involved in through school?

I am a part of all the student organizations offered here at the College of Nursing! I am the senior representative for Student Council, the vice president of Student Nurses Association, and the communications coordinator for Urban Health Program.

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Leah Senese

Hometown: Naperville, Illinois

Expected graduation date  |  May 2024

Describe your favorite moment as a nursing student so far?

My favorite moment as a nursing student was during my first day of clinical at the hospital where I was selected to go to the ICU. I was amazed by the amount of camaraderie I witnessed among the nursing staff as well as the amount of work there was to be done in that one day. My nurse kept me on my toes the whole day by quizzing me on the medications as well as letting me practice nursing skills we had learned in class, such as subcutaneous injections, nasal suctioning, rectal suppositories, and draining a specimen collection bag. I felt so lucky to be able to do all of these skills on my first day. Everybody around me was so nice and willing to help me learn whenever possible. It was this day that I knew I wanted to become an ICU nurse!

What else are you involved in through school?

I am on the UIC women’s soccer team. At first, I was a little worried about how I was going to manage both soccer and nursing as they are both a huge time commitment. In fact, many universities don’t even allow students to do both. However, I have nothing but positive things to say about my coaching staff and the nursing faculty here at UIC. They both worked with me every step of the way to ensure my success. The nursing faculty helped me schedule my classes around my practices and set up extra study sessions if I missed anything. My coaching staff helped move practices around my school schedule and came in early so I could make up practices. These two groups of people have made this a wonderful experience, and I cannot thank them enough.

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Kevin Popoca

Hometown: Bolingbrook, Illinois

Expected graduation date  |  May 2024

Describe your favorite moment as a nursing student so far?

My favorite moments have definitely been spending time with a community of diverse individuals pursuing the same goal of transforming health care. I also love having clinicals at some of the top hospitals in the region, where I can demonstrate the skills I’ve learned in class and the new Schwartz Lab. All of this has prepared me for a successful nursing career.

Why did you want to become a nurse?

I am from a Hispanic/Latino background, and I want to be a role model to minorities that you can reach your goals! I also want to do research to find new skills/treatments that can enhance nursing care.

What else are you involved in through school?

I am an active member of the college’s Urban Health Program Student Association, the Student Nurses Association and the Student Council (STUCO). These organizations offer a lot of support to students, like holding study sessions and organizing volunteers for events that give back to communities, bring us closer and create lifelong memories. Through these organizations, I’ve made friends and gained leadership skills I can use in my nursing career.

MORE: BSN Students