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MSN Transition Program

This transition program is a route of entry to the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program for students with an RN license and a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing. What you need to know:

  • Transition students are required to take up to four additional courses, the precise number of which is determined upon admission.
  • All transition courses are delivered online in eight-week modules taught by UIC Nursing faculty.
  • Students are assessed graduate student tuition/fees, and course credits are applied the same as graduate degree courses.
  • All required transition courses are to be completed during the first fall/spring semesters following admission to the College of Nursing and before beginning any coursework in the MSN degree program.

The transition courses are as follows:

  • NURS 212: Health Assessment & Communication
  • NURS 232: Concepts in Professional Nursing
  • NURS 312: Nursing Research & Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice
  • NURS 352: Population-Focused Nursing

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